

Ask @Millierawrz

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What's the most awkward thing you can say in an elevator?

Liked by: Persephone

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last tv show you watched?

I watched some anime earlier but i'm rewatching Supernatural and I finished season 5 yesterday morning
~Honesty Hour~

How do you handle people you don't like?

Try to avoid but if I have to be around them like for work or something I just kinda get over my dislike and get on with whatever i'm doing
~Honesty Hour~
Liked by: Alice Jackson

Favourite Youtubers and why?

Ah this list could go on for so long aha
Leafyishere - cutebean and actual asshole, cares about his fans so much, i love him
ImmortalHD - awkward af, HE HAS A DOG AND HE MAKES VIDEOS ABOUT HIS DOG, he's russian but he was raised in America but his accent is like fine af
UberHaxorNova - HE ALSO HAS A DOG AND MAKES VIDEOS ABOUT HIS DOG, hilarious, I wish he was my dad, manchild
Filthyfrank - My sense of humour is so broken, I have issues
Maxmoefoe - Australian, awkward af
Idubbbz - Sass lord, I agree with him on pretty much all his rants
Ssin - Her makeup is AMAZING and she does makeup tutorials for kpop idols and she's beautiful awh
I have a lot more considering most of my free time is spent watching Youtube but yeah
Feel free to recommend channels to me tho, can literally be about anything
~Honesty Hour~

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

Please don't let people like that get to you, you're a wonderful person from what I can see and you shouldn't be upset over people that pathetic.

Honestly the reason why that situation upset me is purely because one of the guys use to make my life a living hell at school. I'm 20 next month and I left school 3 years ago and it just gets me that this dude thinks it's still acceptable to treat me like that. I was in hospital for the majority of my final school year due to my mental health and that was kinda common knowledge at school like that asshole knows full well he was behind getting me to the point where I needed to be hospitalised for my own safety yet he still has no moral objections to what he was doing.
What gets me as well is maybe because it was a high school bully but it really made me want to hurt myself which is how I dealt with that crap back then but idk, people like that are literal trash.
Liked by: Alice Jackson

Why did you get a customer complaint?

Basically I was moving some shoes from the footwear department to be on like a display feature thing so I was going back and forth between two areas and there was two guys sat on the sofas in the footwear department and every time I was stood collecting the shoes I needed (like they were sat about a metre from me and I was the only one around so this was obviously directed at me) they kept saying the word "fat" like kinda quietly but loud enough for me to hear and making cow noises and stuff and this carried on for awhile and then one of them said my name and I turned around and said "Yeah?" and this asshole just fucking smirked at me so I carried on my work and his friend said "Why did you say her name?" and this asshole just goes "Just wanted to see if she was pretty" then sniggered like obviously been sarcastic and then they went running to a manager to say i'd been rude like yeah looking back on it I was kinda blunt with them but I was pretty damn polite considering what they were saying about me. My manager called them out on it though and like I was visibly upset when he came to talk to me so it's not been listed as a genuine complaint or anything

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

What is your favourite makeup?

I never really talk about makeup so I'm probably not great at describing things aha
The eyeshadow is a NYX hot singles in Wild Orchid and I've worn it like every day since I got it and you hardly need any and it's really bright and makes me eyes look great
The brown stuff is NYX soft matte lip cream in Berlin and the pale pinky one is in Tokyo, I hated Tokyo at first but I've started like dabbing it on and mixing it with the lipgloss which is Babylips by Maybelline in Life's a Peach and it looks great.
The red lipstick is Wicked by Limecrime and I don't really like it on myself but apparently it looks good on me so idk, I like how vivid it is just not the colour on me I guess
The green stuff is Loreal infallible nails (I think??) in Everlasting Peppermint and it's like a gel nail varnish and it lasts former and they do loads of other pastel colours

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

What happened? You didn't get in trouble or anything did you?

Nah, my manager called the two guys out who complained because they claimed that they didn't know me but used my full name to make the complaint like I don't even have my full first name on my name badge so pretty obvious they were bullshitting.
They genuinely said "We don't appreciate the way she spoke to us" Yeah well I didn't appreciate the absolute fucking hell you put me through at school but here we are


Two fuckboys who ruined my makeup by making me cry like I have my NYX eyeshadow on looking fire and they ruined it and i'm annoyed
Liked by: Alice Jackson

What do you see when you wake up in the morning? PAP!

So I got a customer complaint today off two people who used to bully me at school, wonderful.

Do you like Onision?

You mean the absolute asshole who filmed his wife having a mental breakdown, told people who are abused they deserved it and pretty much just spreads his trash online with people promoting it because they think it's satire??
Absolute trash

Who is the most interesting user you have found using profile hashtags?

I really regret starting Supernatural again because i'm still upset about Andy and Gabriel tbh


"A system is self-sustaining (or self-sufficient) if it can maintain itself by independent effort"
Needing people to provide them with money wouldn't make it self sufficient.
Like I genuinely feel for the kids because I know full well they'll catch something that could have been prevented with vaccines or actual medicine because the parents think breast milk can cure everything.
Liked by: Alice Jackson


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