

Ask @Millierawrz

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First boyfriend you ever had? And opinion of him now?

Uhm I guess the one i'd say was my first proper relationship was a guy called Sam and he was really great and we're still really good friends now :)
Liked by: Bread

Millie, why are there so many stupid people on this planet? :s

I red though that article and it is the biggest load of bullshit possible
Anti feminists are embarrassing
Liked by: Bread

Not hatred towards women, hatred towards sexists. Face it, there's a lot of intelligent left wing figures out there that expose feminism as the hypocrisy it is... as to say, they don't try to bring equality by ignoring half of the population.

Ignoring points I make once again because you have no answer to them because i'm right.
oh and btw you're blocked :)

By the way I wasn't proven wrong. One study was by left wing equal rights protester Sonja Starr. The article also links to other studies that lead to the same result. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/11/men-women-prison-sentence-length-gender-gap_n_1874742.html

News site notorious for sexist articles with no evidence whatsoever
Oh and btw "the amazing atheist" promotes feminist hatred which in turn promotes violence towards women so get the fuck off my ask you vile person

that video, the bit with the rape! oh my fuck, that's just rude (not you that stupid anon)

I want to throw a book at his face whoever it is.
How can someone be that uneducated?

I like how you've proved that anon wrong yet they're still arguing with you

I just love people who don't shut the hell up when they're wrong

Religion is nothing to do with it. Ever heard of TheAmazingAtheist? Bill Maher? Bother vigorously anti-religion and anti-feminism.

Well it is considering on that youtube channel you linked me to they're CHRISTIANS.
How should I know i'm not a small minded person who is against other peoples beliefs.

Conservative or not that doesn't change the statistics.

It does considering the statistics have no factual evidence whatsoever and are funded by anti-feminist groups.

And just because you know a man who's a feminist it doesn't mean it's inclusive, there's a whole brigade of women against everything feminism stands far. e.g. http://www.youtube.com/user/WomanAgainstFeminism

Holy shit
I just watched the first video and they're all conservative christian women that slut shame and believe rape is the victims fault
get the fuck off my ask now.

It was a legitimate, well rounded survey backed by official statistics, and has been widely agreed upon. It doesn't just come from one source either.

The people who did the study which was also funded by conservative groups that think women belong in the kitchen so yes it is wrong.

Most likely because women are deemed "Pure" and "Innocent" whereas men are more likely to be seen as crooked and creepy. Men stalkers for instance get about five times longer sentences than women stalkers.

Just ignoring the fact that i've just pointed out your facts are a load of shit.
I'd also like to point out saying a women is "pure" is sexist because it dates back to the whole a women should be a virgin shit because people love to control women's virginity
Liked by: Bread

No I forget to say, men have 40 longer sentences FOR EQUIVALENT CRIMES than women, so for instance if a man steals £100 and gets 5 months a woman on average would get 7 months just because she's a woman

I just googled that statistic and the people responsible for coming up with that are notorious for writing absolute sexist bullshit such as "educated women are less likely to get husbands" and "housework cuts the risk of breast cancer"


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