

Ask @Millierawrz

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what are boys like?

nice guy: Excuse me miss, would you care to join me for a night on the town, if only for a moment? i can't stand possibly wandering around with the thought of me never even attempting to ask your beautiful, ravishing, and stunning self out, so would you?
girl: no thanks i'm not really interested but thank you :-)
nice guy: well then fuck you too you stupid slut you're not even all that good looking do you know how hard it is for people like YOU to come across someone like ME? ? i'm fit, i'm handsome, i have a substantial amount of money, and i TREAT WOMEN AMAZINGLY! all of you bitches are all the same god none of you idiots ever realize when something good is placed in front of you. i'm a NICE GUY!!
Liked by: Yve

i thought you were hot until i relaised you were some bitchy feminist

You have got to be kidding me?
Why have you gone off me? Because you realised that if she tried to oppress me i'd smash your nuts back into your body and make you cry for your mother.
Liked by: Yve

not a lot of cultures are like that :/

They like to think they're gender equal but they're not.
Look at America for example, A member of the Republican party actually stated that in cases of rape women can shut their ovaries off so they can't get pregnant and how it's a woman fault if she's raped because she must of been wearing revealing clothing or whatever. They were also trying to charge women for contraceptives.
The UK is just as dumb as well
Liked by: Yve

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what are your views on that girl that got raped and murdered on a bus in India last year?

That actually made me feel sick. The younger ones only got charged for murder as well because in India there wasn't a law able to charge them for rape because of their age. It's disgusting. No one even tried to help either, it was a fucking bus for fuck sake. If I was that bus driver i'd of done everything in my power to stop them. It's just vile how many cultures still treat women that way

Oh I agree with abortion in cases of rape but any other reason sucks.

Not really. It's pretty cruel bringing a kid into the world that you know will have a horrid life.
I don't agree with it as much when like teenagers have just been idiots and a girl has ended up pregnant but in the end if she's young and incapable of looking after a child it's probably for the better.

abortion is sick though.

Do you know what is sick? Women that get raped and can't have an abortion because of their religion and the country they live in. Having a child that reminds you of a horrid, vile experience.
Abortion isn't sick, people who deny women the rights to choose what they do with their own body are.

so if you had a kid and it had an illness you'd kill it? that's sick.

Why would I want the guilt of bringing a child into the world who's going to have a poor quality of life?
Not to mention the fact they'd need my 24 hour attention because they're less capable than a normal child. Who are you to call me sick because i'd have an abortion if my child had anything wrong with it... surely it's more sick giving a child a crappy life when you had a choice to spare it from that.
Liked by: elinor joseph

I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss over a adalia rose ffs. If she didn't have a disease people would take he piss out of her because of the way she looked. But no because she's got a disease you're all saints. Piss off.

It's the fact he mum whores her out, like there's I think 10 other people in the world with progeria and they don't parade around looking for attention. They try and lead normal lives, If I had an illness like that I'd want people to treat me as if I was the same as everyone else, not be made up in wigs and used for my my mothers fame, eugh

why don't you like breaking bad?

I just don't find it entertaining, the characters are quite bland and I just couldn't be bothered watching more than a few episodes.

does no one pay attention to the walking dead when they watch it or something? -.-

Jesus, it's only my 2nd time watching through season 3 because I don't have it on dvd and it's a piss take to stream online and I know what happens. The storyline isn't that fucking complex, why don't you actually pay attention to the damn program instead of getting me to do a plot synopsis for you.
Liked by: RƎⱭЯUM♥.

i didnt even get that episode of walking dead, like why was Rick hallucinating :/

I think if your wife had to be cut open during childbirth then shot in the head by your son then have her corpse eaten by a zombie you'd probably hallucinate too because I can imagine he's pretty fucking upset.

which is more annoying, being caught in the rain without an umbrella, or finding out you don't have enough money to pay for something you really need?

Rain is the nicest weather though


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