

Ask @Millierawrz

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You accomplish more than you think you do. Sometimes you just don't always realize it.

Uh this was kinda random and weird to receive but thanks I guess ??

This girl sounds like the type of person Filthy Frank makes fun of in his Weeaboo video

She was part of the seasonal staff at Game for Christmas last year and she worked for a week and left because it was "too hard" and all she did was stand around and try and badger the rest of the staff into letting her use the Gamecube in the backroom

"I learnt to speak Japanese from the animes, moshi moshi kawaii"

She's off to Japan in two weeks apparently and I slightly suspect she's bullshitting about going in all honesty but she reckons she'll be fluent in Japanese by the time she goes and i've never laughed so hard in my entire life
Her entire knowledge of the country comes from anime and I guarantee she won't survive after the first day because she has no actual knowledge of the country asides from pop culture

If she comes back with any Attack On Titan merch I don't have I will lose my shit though

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

I just got on the bus and this girl I really don't like is on here with me and like she's trying to learn Japanese and she's just been 100% offensive with it (Some of her Facebook posts about it are atrocious) and I'm having to resist the urge to get up and slap the crap out of her, jfc
Oh and she wrote on Facebook earlier something about been a huge Attack On Titan fan and I was just sat there like

Would you rather have a large group of friends or a small group of friends? Why?

I have a fairly large group of friends but only a few people that i'd consider close friends
Liked by: nova

Do you put others or yourself first?

I guess i'm 50/50 with this
Like I can be an incredibly selfish ass some days but I guess that's sort of natural
Liked by: nova

What type of humor do you find annoying?

Dark humour where it's just disgusting isn't particularly funny imo like dead baby jokes and casually racist jokes piss me off because regardless of which way you cut it it's still racist

What are some unpopular opinions you have?

Ruby Rose isn't that attractive
The Tokyo Ghoul anime wasn't that bad
Dogs are not nice pets, unless it is a pug please get them away from me
Liked by: nova

Am I the only person who likes the Tokyo Ghoul anime?

My feelings are actually really really mixed on what I think of the anime adaption to be honest.
The character development mainly for Kaneki and Tsukiyama was atrocious. So much was left half explained which is totally unfair to people who don't read the manga. The dub was quite horrific which in all fairness isn't an issue with the anime itself and i've talked about what a load of crap Funamation have turned into the past few years before. The censorship is really bizarre too because i'm guessing they took out a lot of Kaneki's character development for this reason because let's just say he did some questionable things during the manga but then they show the Jason/Kaneki torture scene, Juuzou been tortured, Juuzou as a child been made to stab an adult multiple times etc etc and they do that weird thing when a load of blood is been shown where they show it in negative but then a few seconds later you'll see it anyway so it totally defeats the point of censoring it. I really don't understand the censorship in Tokyo Ghoul because in early seasons of Naruto there's some seriously questionable stuff that they've left in and it's rated 12 and was on Cartoon Network when I was 11/12 so I don't understand why it's necessary for an anime that is blatantly rated 18 and marketed as a horror
But on the other hand when the anime aired the manga was basically impossible to find over here and I have some friends in the States who struggled to find it as well so a lot of people got to see the anime first and then got into the manga so it at least did I good job of pushing people to get hold of the manga. I mentioned Tsukiyama's character development been bad (which it is don't get me wrong) but I feel like a lot of people overreact about how bad it is considering at the moment in the manga Tsukiyama is practically comatose moping over Kaneki, they may have interpreted Tsukiyama's character a different way to the manga but his obsession with Kaneki is pretty spot on.
It's an alright anime in all fairness and I can happily rewatch both seasons and I think some people like to get on their high horse because they read the manga later on and think they know everything and in all honesty I think people should be grateful that it even got an anime adaption considering how new the manga actually is so yeah, you're not the only one who likes it even though it's flawed as hell.
(Sorry for turning this into an essay)

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What can’t be bought with money?

It really irritates me when people act all condescending on what can or can't be bought with money because in reality, anything can be bought.
People saying "you can't buy happiness" has always got on my nerves because if I had the money I could buy my own house and move thousands of miles away from people who have been nothing but toxic in my life.

fave youtube video?

See, I think people on here think i'm fairly mature for my age but if I posted my favourite Youtube video on here any expectations you have of me will be smashed to bits
Just go watch some Filthy Frank videos and you'll probably find it


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