

Ask @Millierawrz

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Thoughts on second episode of s2 of Attack On Titan

Posted this on Tumblr yesterday which pretty much sums it up:
The second episode of Attack On Titan was literally character development on steroids for Sasha and followed the manga pretty strongly and literally all the comments on Funimation are complaining saying it was a filler episode or that they just don’t care about specific characters and just want action.
You can have a heck load of action in an anime but if the characters are dull and two dimensional what’s the point? People kicked off that the character development was poor in season 1 and then when we get some it’s an issue too. I adore Attack On Titan to the moon and back and even I will admit where there’s flaws in both the anime and manga but why the hell are people trying to reach for issues? Some anime fans are the most annoying ass people ever I stg

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

What song lyrics do you love most? Share them here!

You know it all
You’re my best friend
The morning will come again
Because no darkness,
No season
Can last forever
Cherry blossoms are blooming
The winter is ending
I miss you
I miss you
If I wait a little longer
If I stay up a few more nights
I’ll go see you
I’ll go pick you up

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감사합니다 쌤킴님 덕분입니다 근데 쌤킴 ,Leegititssam 트위터 hidejyyun 내 트위터에 니가 팔로우 요청 안 했는데 ?


How do you know your boyfriend isn't cheating on you when he's away?

I don't but I also trust him so it's completely irrelevant. How does anyone know their partner isn't cheating on them when they're not with them?
Liked by: Alice Jackson

Have you ever broken up with a friend?

Yeah, I had some really questionable friends when I went up from primary to secondary school. I've mentioned a girl who used to steal a lot before and she came out as such a shitty, toxic person after i'd been friends with her for like 3 years. I used to get bullied a lot when I was younger and she would go up to the people who were giving me grief and tell them I was talking crap about them (I'm quiet af in person and unless I have a major major issue with you I won't say anything) just because she liked to see what drama it caused. There's people I don't like but I wouldn't go out of my way to get them harassed let alone do that to someone who I considered to be a friend. When I finally lost it with her she tried to play the victim and make out that I was this absolute monster for wanting nothing to do with her, she moved away a few months after that and i've never seen her again.

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

Students spend student loan money on all sorts, i dont get why you're getting grief for doing the same as everyone else

Literally everyone who i'm friends with who's a student buys themselves stuff with their loan money if they have it spare because they can. The university gets the majority of the money and what's left to the student is theirs to use as they please, obviously it's expected for living costs but you don't get policed over what you do with it

On your living costs to cover your course of education, not spend it on yourself you greedy cow

Do you not actually understand how a student loan works? I don't even get the money that covers the cost of my course, it goes straight to my uni lmao

What are some things that make you really happy?

I'm at the coast and I wanna go surfing but I didn't bring anything to change into :(
Liked by: Bethan

Last book you read/currently reading?

I'm reading the Throne Of Glass series and it's not that great but there's a love triangle which I'm complete trash for and I'm just into the second book and everytime the main character hurts Chaol (Looks like he'd stab a bitch but is an actual cinnamon bun) I just sit looking at my Kindle like


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