

Ask @Millierawrz

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what's happened?

>Slight mention of Link been female in a Legend Of Zelda game
"YOU CAN'T DO THAT, LINK IS A BOY. HE'S ALWAYS A BOY *oppressed male noises*
Seriously stfu, Link in every single game (Aside from OOT/MM and Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass where they follow on from each other) is just a reincarnation of the previous Hero. There's nothing stopping him from ending up female. I genuinely have to question how fragile someone's ego must be if they get butthurt about playing as a girl, I mean it's not as if Link looks incredibly feminine in Zelda U and Hyrule Warriors anyway.
Liked by: Laurz

hello if you get this, omg look at you, who allowed such stunning looks that has set my llama fur on fire, call the fireman hot damn. you are llamatastic and meowzing. have a great day/night and stay safe. ilyvm. lllama hugs

Thank you awh

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How can you live till the age of 120?

i feel so ugh but i've calmed down a bit but i keep shaking and ugh

Have you ever had sex?

Why am I not surprised by the amount of sex related questions i'm getting??
Yeah I have and before someone gets a salty ass attitude with me and brings up my sexuality, like there was only 1 time I actually felt comfortable with it and it was because it was with the only person i've genuinely given a shit about in terms of romantic feelings
Liked by: Laurz allie

Would you rather never watch anime again or have to suck dick to watch anime?

I'm laughing hysterically at this jfc
Uh, like it depends who's peewee it was tbh
I don't care how much I wanna see Attack On Titan season 2, I ain't sticking some old man's gross penis in my mouth
I'm still laughing ffs
Liked by: allie

Do you value character?

el loco
Tbh it depends on what sort of character someone has
but for the most part I do value the more personal characteristics of someone over everything else
Liked by: el loco

Nope. Everyone thinks Im a homophobic jerk, and only the actual homophobic jerks want to be friends....Its times like this, I wish AOT was real.

Female titan gonna crack some skulls yo

This dude pissed me off, kept calling everything racist, and screaming at the top of my voice and I told him to shut the fuck up because his voice was too high, and he went around sayin I called him gay, insulting my friends, though that would be insulting myself as well

Oh wow what an asshole :c
Hope you're okay!

what colour is your hair atm?

It's sorta bluey purple
It's kinda annoying because it was really deep purple last week and it's faded so fast
I'm colouring it again next week and i'm either going back to purple or doing it bright red but idk yet
Liked by: Laurz Alice Jackson

Officially been kicked out of my group of friends, so juuuuust perfect (sorry if that sounds like I'm being mean)

Awh crap, what happened?
Liked by: Laurz

Sorry for like the late answer xD But Im terrible, thanks for asking though. you?

I'm sort of meh tbh

10 randok facts about you ?

çØØL ~
1. My brother's and my birthday are only 4 days apart, if I was born on my actual due date i'd have been in the same school year as him but i'd have been the youngest in the year whereas he'd have been the oldest.
2. I learnt to read from a really young age and I surprised the hell out of my parents when I shouted out "McDonald's" as we were driving past one (I can't ask my mum how old I was when this happened but I was like weirdly young)
3. I once got into an argument with a tour guide in Egypt because he tried telling everyone Lion Fish aren't poisonous when they are. He tried to bring the fact I was only 11 into the argument and someone got stung by one, making him look like a twat
4. I stutter when my anxiety is really bad
5. When I was 5 years old I held a burmese python and there was grown ass men walking past and freaking the hell out.
6. My eyes change colour from greeny blue to greeny brown
7. I can dislocate my knees and my wrists on command
8. I almost blinded someone in Turkey because me and my brother were having a mud fight and my brother ducked into the water when I threw some and it hit the guy directly in the eye.
9. I can speak multiple languages and I want to learn more.
10. I burnt all the skin off my right ankle when I was 8 on the exhaust pipe of my dad's motorbike, I still have a scar

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Liked by: çØØL ~ Laurz

wow. last AoT chapter I read was back in the 50s. alot has changed.

The last like 5 or 6 chapters have just been incredibly intense and I expected Isayama to sort of chill out with this one but shit is going down yet again
Waiting for all this to get animated is killing me
Liked by: Laurz

What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

I remember I wanted clown fish as pets but my mum got me a guinea pig instead ???
And I wanted a bike at one point but my dad bought me a Nintendo Wii and I've never been so grateful for something in my entire life
~honesty night yo~


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