

Ask @MillyDay228

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Opinion on Harry?

I can't even imagine where to begin with this boy! Harry is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for,and I'm not exaggerating? He means the entire world to me and I wouldn't change him for anything,he's been there for me non stop from the very first day I met him, he's never gave up on me and he's been there 24/7 to always cheer me up and give me advice. He never fails to make me happy and he loves me for who I am,idec if this is cringey he doesn't realise how much I love and admire him,I'm just really lucky to have him and I never want to lose what we've got??

people you're closest with and why?

Harry-Because he's always been there,he listens to me however boring my story or story's might be. He cares for me non stop,he never has a problem with the choices I make,he always knows how to cheer me up and never fails to reassure me that everything will be alright when things are tough. He just means the world to me and he's just amazing,he does everything right. I love him to pieces❤️
Evie Luker-She's always been there for me,makes me laugh like 24/7 means everything to me, she's stuck by me through everything,love that girl❤️
Livi Orme-She's there for me whenever,reassures me all the time. Became close quite recently love her❤️
Ella Quarton-She understands me so well,always there for me. I don't know what I'd do without her,love her also❤️
Alice Marshall-love this girl,she's always willing to talk to me,means the world to me. I don't know where id be without her❤️
Chloe plunkett-Means a lot to me,she's always there for me,a true friend! Wouldn't be this far without her❤️

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Liked by: Amy kirk harryag1


Language: English