
Miss Irah

Watching a horror movie burns about 200 calories. So… would you rather go for a run or watch how Freddy Krueger is doing?

I could run but I ain't fit for it just yet. Hehe
Watching a horror movie burns about 200 calories So would you rather go for a

Latest answers from Miss Irah

How do you deal with past regret?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I don't deal with them.
They just keep reliving in my mind whenever some thing just triggers them.
What I always say to my mind is that, don't make this as a past regret that your mind will keep on thinking about coz I miss the chance that I don't take and it will be an instant regret in my mind. So if wanna do it, just do it cause it will fill your mind with great memory ❤️
How do you deal with past regret

do u have tele?

Tele like the telephone?
I miss that. I wanna own one vintage tele one day lol like I have someone to talk to.
do u have tele

Is overthinking a sign of intelligence or a sign of anxiety?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
Haha for me is just anxiety. Worrying about so many things. But isn't it intelligent enough to just stop the worrying and get things done?!! Haha I wish to do that at times but I can't automatically switch my mind off and get things done. If I could, maybe don't overthink things through and let my action moves for itself. But of course I need my mind along with it. So putting the thoughts aside requires will power.... I totally overthinks this through hehe
Is overthinking a sign of intelligence or a sign of anxiety

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

It was heartbreaking even though it was really stupid cause we were like 14, I guess.
We both texted each other and curse one other. I was thinking it was a playful thing then the next thing I knew she was Hella mad about it then when I thought we were gonna be alright and we gonna mend the bond, she... Confronted me as she brought along her friend and she humiliated me. So that's a great reason for me to break off our friendship even though we really had a great potential to be great friends. I don't regret but am SAD it turn out that way. A breakup from a friendship is worse than it will be from a relationship.
Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason What was that

Is it okay to be antisocial to avoid drama?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I love this question.
Coz I totally did this. I really avoid drama back in my teen years in school. Not that I don't have ANY drama, I did but just a few. And let me tell you this, it's okay to not be social but honestly as I look back, man I wish I was vocal back then. That way I could create some memory that could last a lifetime. 😋
It's not bad to be antisocial but it just limit yourself to be friends with a different kind of people. I may not socialize with alot of people but I still socialize with some people and made some memories.
Is it okay to be antisocial to avoid drama

What are you afraid of trying?

Alot of things but I know if we put those fears aside, we can do so many impossible things. For sure. But I still have fear in myself.. I just wish to be more courageous than ever before.
What are you afraid of trying

Do you sleep with your music on ?

Not anymore. I do that when I was a teen. Now I listen out loud sometimes when I'm at my room. Lol
Do you sleep with your music on

Whats your most annoying habit?

I Wanna be in control and be prepared but life itself is unpredictable. I can't control that and my feelings get really affected. I don't speak so kindly to myself. Always letting myself down by knowing that mistakes are made and that's okay. I'm learning and we should not be hard on ourselves. Gosh!
Whats your most annoying habit

Language: English