
Mellisa Requena

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Do men have larger brains ?

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I’m highly intelligent but men, in general, myself included are thoughtless, insensitive, and stupid by nature. As a species, a change in diet was essential in our evolution. The addition of a nutrient, simple starches resulted in pronounced brain development. It happened fairly quickly. It wasn’t just additional mass....neural connectivity expanded, the density of those neural cells increased....we could simply absorb more data, retain that data longer, and extrapolate. This led to more interaction with our environment, you now have the frame work for rudimentary tools or speech. One species of primate on a tiny planet in a very hostile universe would later give us Socrates, a very able orator and philosopher and a lawyer that rose above her primarily male and historically favored counterparts to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States....appointed for life by a sitting president. Bottom line, there are still men in this country that view women as docile brood mares, at worst it’s incredibly demeaning, at best, a lingering form of outdated condescension that would just leave a permanent stain. Christian-Judeo biblical prohibitions prohibiting women from speaking in temple, requiring them to be stoned to death of they were not a virgin on their wedding night, a prayer uttered by Jewish men thanking Yahweh for them not having been born a woman.....
little girls and young women, it wasn’t that long ago that a woman as young as 14 or 15 could marry a man my age....I’m 45. Man grunts, “eh, it will be fine”. What in the actual fuck? Archaic and disturbing. WWII hits, the men march to war and the factories and manufacturing
plants needed labor. Women jumped right in and were paid less for the same work. Yes, it still happens. Part of the reason we won the war is because we could produce more and replace lost material faster. Thank you ladies. Brain size? Size differences, if they exist, are negligible and having nothing to do with retention or IQ. Eh, ladies tend to live l longer as well and are more vital to the survival of the species. I simply can’t speak concisely. Even the pioneer or psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, asserted women were more prone to “hysterics” and psychosis simply because they have ovaries. Histrionic Personality Disorder, it’s a cluster B disorder, initially was thought to be related to a “bouncy uterus”. Brilliant guys. Right up there with reveling in the smell of our beer farts and testicle scratching. I need tacos.

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