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send art with your favorite character. 💫

ognevstepan’s Profile Photoвишнёвый
Tengo un personaje favorito.
Ella es Arte. Pero el arte muchas veces aunque lo muestres no se logra entender, todo es cuestión de la interpretación que le des, y lo importante que sea dentro de ti su significado.
Ella es arte ❤️ vale más que cualquier pintura nunca antes hecha.
De verdad que ella altera mi sistema sensorial 💫
El arte no es solo mostrarlo. El arte es plasmar y que alguien más de la interpretación debida.
Desde los ojos correctos, tu serás arte para alguien ❤️
I have a favorite character.
She is Art. But often even if you show it, art cannot be understood, it's all a matter of the interpretation you give it, and how important its meaning is within you.
She is art ❤️ worth more than any painting ever done before.
She really messes with my sensory system 💫
Art is not just showing it. Art is capturing and that someone else of the due interpretation.
From the right eyes, you will be art for someone ❤️

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send art with your favorite character

what is love for you?

ognevstepan’s Profile Photoвишнёвый
Love is a rare thing.
Forget butterflies in the belly...
Love is all around us, in every look, in every hug, in the air we breathe, in looking at the sky, observing and feeling the drops fall on our face.
In the laughter of a child, in the look of an old man, seeing mom and dad every day when they return. Fall in love every day with the same person, give without expecting anything in return, feel and put ourselves in another person's place, in loyalty there is love, in truth there is love, and in love there is fullness. If we love and understand what love really is and can do... We wouldn't have a bit of hate in our hearts.
Love is found in every corner, even if you look under a stone; there in you will tell love. 💫
And in other terms like Eros...
Love moves the world, it is capable of making you fly without wings. When love is reciprocated, it gives you peace, fills you up and nothing makes you move.
Lately I've been rambling, floating and I can't get a person who has me in love out of my head ❤️💫

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what is love for you


Hasse_Hauk’s Profile PhotoManuel Castillo Calderón
Manuuu 😊 la tercera 🎁
Un día, Auyan le pidió a un águila que lo llevara a lo más alto del tepuy… Y una vez que estuvo arriba, dejó caer accidentalmente su totuma dando como resultado el hermoso Salto Ángel. ¡Al ser mágica la totuma de Auyan, salió un torrente de agua extraordinario! Que ahora es la cascada más alta del mundo.
Cuenta la historia que ahí arriba suceden cosas sorprendentes.
Aparecen duendes, seres de otro mundo, adas, e inclusive se puede tener paz, con el cantar de una dulce voz tan suave que se escucha y nunca se detiene. Nadie se explica de dónde sale tanta agua en las alturas 💫🌊
Manuuu 😊 the third 🎁
One day, Auyan asked an eagle to take him to the top of the tepuy… And once he was up, he accidentally dropped his totuma, resulting in the beautiful Angel Falls. As the totuma of Auyan was magical, an extraordinary torrent of water came out! Which is now the tallest waterfall in the world.
The story goes that amazing things happen up there.
Elves appear, beings from another world, adas, and you can even have peace, with the singing of a sweet voice so soft that it is heard and never stops. No one explains where so much water comes from in the heights 💫🌊

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ELIGE UNA  1  2  3


Las veces que no contesto; no es porque no quiera. Entiéndeme, estoy perdido en un montaña rusa en otro mundo.
Donde solo dan vueltas las palabras 💫
The times I don't answer; It's not because she doesn't want to. Understand me, I'm lost on a roller coaster in another world.
Where only words go around 💫
Las veces que no contesto no es porque no quiera Entiéndeme estoy perdido en

Aesthetic Space 🖤

Me fascinan los espacios libres.🤍
Hay días que solo no quiero responder nada, o algo en específico.
Y lo único que quiero es dar manifiesto y soltar eso que esta gritando mi alma, mente y corazón que deje salir.💫🐾🦅
I am fascinated by free spaces.🤍
There are days that I just don't want to answer anything, or something specific.
And all I want is to manifest and release what my soul, mind and heart are screaming to let out.💫🐾🦅
Aesthetic Space

Serduszko dla Ciebie ❤ spokojnego dnia życzę 🌻

ArielkaPoland’s Profile PhotoNari
Gracias querida Arielka, el mio también te lo desea ❤️
En ocasiones como seres humanos huimos de la adversidad, del problema. Cuando tendría que ser al revés, afrontemoslo, demos le la cara.
Así conoceremos esa nueva versión mucho más fuerte de nosotros. 💫
Thank you dear Arielka, mine wishes you too ❤️
Sometimes as human beings we run away from adversity, from the problem. When it should be the other way around, let's face it, let's face it.
This way we will know that new much stronger version of us. 💫
Serduszko dla Ciebie  spokojnego dnia życzę

ArielkaPoland’s Profile PhotoNari
Un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad.
Cuidado de que manera estás usando ese gran don que te a dado la vida. Recuerda que tu manera de ser es capaz de impactar en la vida de alguien más💫
With great power comes great responsibility.
Be careful how you are using that great gift that life has given you. Remember that your way of being is capable of impacting someone else's life💫
Un gran poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad
Cuidado de que manera estás


Language: English