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What are J2s gon do on Open House day?

Hello! It's not a "lecture-tutorial" day on Tuesday :) and duties for open house should have already been told to everyone :) here are some of the roles: welcome guides/hall guides/tour guides/help out at cca booths/performers/etc :)

is there any specific schedule (like what time what event) for NY open house?

Hello!! Yup! NYJC open house will be on 13Jan from 0830 - 1530!
Check out our college website for the 5 facts of NanYang Junior College Open House 2015! Hehe see you there! ^^
Liked by: Ni Xiaoyan

I'm a senior who have graduated. May I know if I can purchase the NYJC hoodie during open house at the book shop?

Hello! :) yup! The hoodie is available at the bookshop (if there is stocks) :) or if you have ordered it previously, you will receive an sms to collect it :)

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During dress down days means no need to wear school u or what

Hello! Dress down days allow students to wear any college related shirt (not necessarily uniform), together with long pants / skirt! :)
Dress down days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for this year! :)

Which days are non assembly days? Is it the same as last year or

Hi! This year, for J1s, non-assembly days are Monday and Thursday. For J2s, non-assembly days are Tuesday and Friday (8.55am report)! :)

Hi when do we collect our A level results?

Hi, the date for release of A Levels is not confirmed yet. Tentative date: 2-4March 2015. (:

What is the attire for tomorrow?

Hellooo :) the attire for tomorrow will be any NY related shirt together with long pants / skirt :)

How to differentiate tutorial from lecture in timetable ITS LIKE THE SAME

Hiii~ for lectures the venues will be LT(number) which is also colored in the soft copy version and for tutorials the venues will be classrooms like (03-46) or computer labs which is not colored in the soft copy version :) if you are referring to those timetables that state 'J2 H1', the venues for these lessons (lecture or tutorial), your respective H1 subject teachers will provide you with necessary details :) Jiayous~ :D

do we have 7.30 pe tmr

Programme for Day 1 Monday (5Jan2015)
- 8.30am : Assembly in Hall
- 9am - 9.30am : Talks by Principal and KPs
- 9.30am - 10.25am : Break
- 10.30am - 11am : CT period (venues are as reflected on timetable 2015)
* J2 Timetable 2015 is available for download via our college website :)
- 11am - 1pm : Lessons as stated in timetable
- 1pm : Dismissal for J2s
So there will not be morning PE lessons as actual lessons start after 11am :)

What is the venue for h1 econs both tut and lectueere

Hello! :) the venues for J2 H1 Econs lessons (tutorial and lectures) have been put up on asknlearn :) it's attached in the photo here too :)

I drop econs but im not added in the h1 course asknlearn

Hi, you may inform your Econs teacher about this and he or she will make the necessary arrangements. :)

What time does school starts on the 5th Jan?

Hiiiii!! school starts at 0830 on 5Jan (assembly in hall!) :) do rmb to tap in before 0825! :)

what's the attire for day one of school?

Hellloooooo!! :)) attire for first day of school is any school related school with long pants / skirt :) not necessarily full school uniform~
Cya in school~ ^^

wheb is open house

Hello! Open House for Nanyang Junior College will be on the day after the release of 'O' levels results. Release of 'O' levels results is between 12 and 14 January 2015 (tentatively) according to SEAB. :)

when will we know our A level results?

Hi! 'A' level results will be out between 2 and 4 March 2015 (tentatively) according to SEAB. :)

will the comp lab still be open for us to use the computers??

Com lab opening hours
Mon to Fri: 9am to 4pm
Weekends closed
In case the com lab is not available, students may use the computers in the library! :)

May I know what is the sc's email address?

Hi! You may wanna feedback your needs/opinions via askfm instead of emailing us :)
but if it's regarding the booking of bbq pit at NY, you may email one of them (in the picture attached here) :)

hi whens the open house

Hello! NYJC open house is most probably on the day after the release of O-level results! :) cya~ ^^ more details about our open house will be posted on our twitter page (@NYJCSC)! :)

Is it everybody who sign up for JC experience get to go for it? Or will they choose? Cause I haven't receive any message

Hello! Yup if you have signed up for our JC experience, you will be able to go! If you have not been contacted, you may send an email to nyjc@moe.edu.sg and attn: Mr Derek Lee Soon Woon (Teacher-in-charge for NYJC Experience 2015) your particulars and information (NRIC, full name, contact number (handphone and house), previous secondary school, dietary restrictions and allergies / medical conditions), so that we can get back to you regarding this matter. Thank you for your keen interest in our JC Experience.

Yo, J2 here, when is DnD ah? I tried to find online but cant find, pls help, lots of love! -Alevelssucks

Hi there!! DnD is on 3Dec! :) Jiayous for the remaining 'A's papers alright! Ace all of them~ :D
Liked by: Rooban

What is nyjc like? Is the school always noisy or are there days or hours where the school is quite empty?

Hello :) NYJC boasts a vibrant culture where people are friendly and amiable. The school will be crowded and lively during school days, but during non-school days, it will be quieter and some students will be doing their self-studying at our studying facilities in school! :) However, I cannot describe the environment in NY in words so it will be best if you can come down to our Open House 2015 (more details will be posted on our twitter page @NYJCSC) to experience the environment first hand! (:

will the school gym be open during the holidays?

Hello! Nope the school gym will not be opened, however if there's a teacher-in-charge inside, students can use the gym! :)

Will the library be open during the holidays?

Hello! Yup the library will be open like normal school days! 8am-5pm from Monday to Thursday and 8am-4pm on Friday! :)


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