

Ask @Nadinilio

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Secrets and lies are killing every marriage

sevwill8’s Profile Photosevwill
because people build a marriage on self-deception and deception, so of course it is unsustainable.

Would you rather be ugly but rich or pretty but poor?

dakotarichardss’s Profile PhotoDakota Richards
I would prefer knowledge.
I would like to know my essence, learn to understand and distinguish the needs of a living organism, the needs that are formed under the influence of external stimuli and emotional factors, from the true needs of the essence.

Have you seen the Watcher yet?

I started watching, but I was not interested, because I had already seen something similar.

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Jesteś romantyczny/ romantyczna? 😊😊

agnieszkazegar’s Profile PhotoPani DuCHowata
...wtedy przytulasz osobę, z którą czujesz jakąś niewidzialną więź przestrzenną (to coś podobnego do filmu „Avatar”, tyle że to nie jest kontakt fizyczny, jest niewidoczny dla naszych oczu) i czujesz jakąś energię wewnątrz ciebie ta wirująca, splatająca się i łącząca się z anderem energia. To chyba tak piękne, jak połączenie dwóch galaktyk.
Nie wiem.
Liked by: Pani DuCHowata

Does anybody know how I can go online for free catch my wife hooking up with people for money

rickj7171’s Profile PhotoRick James
while you are suffering from garbage, can someone tell me if our humanity has a common goal, where are we all going? I just don’t understand, maybe there are people who cannot understand that there are those who prefer cats, and there are those who prefer dogs, and all because they already know everything, discussed everything and agreed on everything, only I missed and I don't understand nothing.

Does genuine love make the world go round?

agustingovea2022’s Profile PhotoJR
You should not believe everything that is so convincingly formed in your head. The human brain can do many interesting things. You are the owner of a living organism, which is endowed with basic survival instincts, and what you call love may be just an illusion that your body needed to awaken certain instincts.
Liked by: JR

Czy jesteś w stanie wybaczyć osobom, które Cię zraniły?

Redzikes’s Profile PhotoError500
nie powinieneś skupiać całej uwagi tylko na sobie, powinieneś zawsze starać się zrozumieć, dlaczego ktoś zrobił tak, a nie inaczej.


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