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Hi, I just set up an advice page for teenagers and anyone who wants advice. Please feel free to ask ANYTHING you want - i am here to help :) Please answer this so anyone who follows you can see and get advice too! thanks x


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So my homecoming is in 3 weeks and there is this really cute guy in my 3rd period. And we have never talked.... But I really wish we did and I want him to ask me to homecoming!! I have no idea how I talk to him. Advice?

You should just go up and talk to him! Talk about anything aha. There's no other way of getting to know him so might as well go for it xxxxx

I've been self harming for a year and only do it when im really upset. But now it seems constant now :( I've got a gorgeous boyfriend and he helps but i cant help but think he's just saying that im perfect and all that cause he feels the need to :(

Hey beautiful :)
Your boyfriend is with you for a reason. He is with you because he loves you for who you are. If he loves you, then he definitely would not be saying all this stuff to you just to make you feel good. He says it because it's true.
You are so much stronger than a blade, a blade cannot rule your life and take away the control you have on things. I know it's hard to let go of a habit such as self harm, but imagine what your children will say. How would you respond if they asked you, "Mommy, why do you have scars on your arms?".
Please don't cut, look brightly into the future and stay strong gorgeous xoxo

I really need some help, this girl at my school (used to be my best friend) has now turned against me. She's been bullying me, I've told the school and they've done nothing and I know she still says stuff behind my back but I don't know what to do about it :/

Hey :)
What I would personally do is confront her about it. It might be hard, but there is no reason that she can talk about you. Personally I think that there is no point in telling the school. My school never did anything about bullying incidents either. But if the situation becomes very serious, you might even want to go to the police xxx

My mate doesn't really self harm but he enjoys stupid and painful stuff like attaching himself to small batteries with wires.... Help?

What your friend is doing is self harm. It might not seem like it, but self harm isn't just cutting your wrists, it pulling your hair, punching walls, making yourself throw up and many more things. You should persuade him to go to a doctor asap xxx
Liked by: Unknown guy

How can I be better at having conversations with people? I always feel like I'm boring people, never know what to talk about and I'm really awkward and stuff :/

Hey beautiful :)
I'm sure you're not boring to people. I have quiet a few friends, but there are some people who I just can't converse with because it's too weird or awkward. I think that you just need to surround yourself with people that you feel comfortable with, and who have similar interests to you xxx

I need your help I'm in love with a boy who doesn't love me back I'm 17 sand this sound Silly but he asked me out and then used me for sex then dumped me and I'm finding it hard to get over him help

Hey beautiful :)
It doesn't sound silly. I know exactly what it feels like to be used, but you have to get over him. If he used you once, you don't know for sure that he won't do it again. I personally would walk right up to him and slap him as hard as I could to show him how much he hurt me. If you want to forget about him, do that and then do something that brings you joy; go shopping, meet up with friends, go on a date with someone... It will help, trust me xxx

What are the butterfly method and elastic band method. . Cause nobody wold notice if I I'd cut too deep

The Butterfly method:
You draw a small butterfly, a stick man or anything you want that is alive on your wrist or on the area that is most affected by self harm. If you cut through the butterly, stick man etc, then that means that the thing dies. And you can't cheat by self harming around the drawing. It might seem pointless but trust me, it works
The elastic band method:
Have an elastic band on your wrist at all times. Whenever you feel the urge to cut, you simply ping the elastic band back onto your wrist. It gives you the same feeling as a cut would do, but it doesn't leave a scar behind.
And trust me, there would be tons of people who would notice
I hope this helped x

How can I stop self harming

You can gradually stop by either using the butterfly method or the elastic band method. Or, you could even think about what it would be like for your family and the people around you if you accidentally cut too deep x

I know some people who self harm, but I am trying to convince them to stop, what shall I say/do?

First off, I have great respect for you for convincing self harmers to stop. It is a very hard thing to do, as self harming is addictive, but here are some things you might want to mention/ do:
- Let them know how it would affect the people around them like family, friends and so on
- Distract them by doing something you both enjoy doing
- Explain both the butterfly and elastic band method to them
- Just remember that simply saying "Stop self harming" isn't going to change anything. It is hard work to get someone to stop self harming, but it's possible. xoxo
Liked by: Josh Hay

have a girlfriend that I met on ask and i actually really love her. but she is being bullied at school for it. I dont know what the hell to do

There is not much you can do :/ if you wo are having a long distance relationship over a website, and she's being bullied outside of the website, somewhere where you have no contact, there's nothing much you can do. Sorry :/ xx

I really like this girl, she's not unpoplar or poplar quite quiet and shy but will talk to people, she's pretty and has a nice sense about her, she's on the diffrent side of our school year, I am badly behaved but not that bad looking people have said, we are 13 what's best way to talk to her

Maybe when you see her in the school canteen, or somewhere outside of school? Try to join a club that she's in? There are various ways. Or you could simply walk up to her and introduce yourself :) xox

How do i get my boyfriend and best friend to be friends again? They used to be best mates and inseperable, but then they had this massive argument over a girl and now they hate eachother. I love them both to bits and I want them to be friends again, what can I do?:(

If your boyfriend had a fight over a different girl with your bff shouldn't you get involved... He is your boyfriend after all :/ x

These 2 boys, ones my bf, ones my bff, had a massive argument over a girl and have hated eachother for a few months now, how can i get them to be friends again?

Wait, if your BOYFRIEND, had a fight with you bff over a different girl, shouldn't you be involved too? :/ x

But there my best friends:(xxx

If they would be your best friends, they would care about your health :/ xoxo

My friend is in a piss with me and everytime I try to find out why she just ignores me :/ what do I do?

Force her to talk to you. Demand why she is ignoring you and why she is angry. The least you deserve is an explanation. xoxo

How do I tell my mother I have a 14 in a certain class? No grade ever seems good enough for her unless it's a 100. If she's in a good mood then a 90 will be okay. But still, how can I tell her? Keep in mind this teacher for this class gives out so much work, and I was absent two days.

Maybe get your mother and teacher in the same room and talk about your grades? While your mum is near a teacher, she can't exactly lash out at you :/. Or, you could wait until she's relaxed and tell her about how hard school is for you. She should understand xoxo

I like this guy so much and he doesn't want to talk to me pls help :(

Why doesn't he want to talk to you?x

*chosen in lessons and all the teachers love her. yet i feel so beneath her because shes so much better than me...how can i stop feeling like this?

Eve though you might feel like your best friend is perfect, she's not. Nobody is. And you shouldn't think so low of yourself, I'm sure you're beautiful. If she's big headed, then I personally think it takes away from her attractiveness, maybe let her know that she shouldn't be so much of a show off in a more gentle way. xoxo

okay,this may sound silly but my bestfriend is perfect. the only downside to this is that she is reallyyyyy big headed. when she gets a high grade she goes on about it and how easy it was and all this and dont get me wrong im happy for her but this is nearly every day. she always gets *continued*

I'll answer on the other one x

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