Has someone ever done slipshod work for you? Story please

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
Remember that collision I had with the chupacabra? The bodywork was mediocre. To the avg person it looked normal. I’m particular about my vehicle. The door gaps were off. The door inside squeaked when it was cold. Once the interior warmed up, something expanded enough for the squeak to stop.
BTW, I saw this in my FB feed and thought you would like them.
Has someone ever done slipshod work for you Story please

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Latest answers from Neo

You can always re-enlist Neo if you ever find yourself unemployed. (I hope not. Perish the thought. Think happy positive thoughts instead. The power of positive thinking and all that Neo.) Um, I hear they will be reinstating the draft soon as well. So...

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
It doesn’t quite work like that.

How assertive are you? 😎

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ll say about 50%. If something is very important, I’ll push a little extra. Most other things…either just skip it or do it myself.

Will it get better when you are older or do you feel you will forever be stagnant?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I’m guessing you are under 25 (21)?
In a sort answer: No.
You have to put forth significant effort to not be stagnant. You want to set personal goals in your 20’s. Create/maintain important relationships/friendships. Establish a career. Build your brand. Build your professional network.
One thing I will advise: Save money for both retirement AND short term cash. There are many stressful life issues that can be mitigated/resolved if you have a pile of cash on hand.
Imagine your car’s transmission breaks. Repair is $1500. If you only have $300 in savings, you now have a big problem.
If you have $2000 in savings, fix it now then slowly rebuild that pile of cash.

Is it me or does that cat look a little bit like garage kitty? Maybe garage kitty came back all like reincarnated and stuff. Maybe it's true what they say - no one's ever truly gone...

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
The feral is a tortoise shell. Garage kitty was gray.

What cricket is to guys dance/dancing is to girls? They love dancing! And are born knowing how to dance, btw. At least this has been my experience. Um, what are your thoughts on this?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Replace cricket with:
NFL, MLB, NCAA Football/basketball

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