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What is your quarantine snack of choice?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
Update to previous answer: two types of hot nutz to include the nut cup I use to dispense each serving
What is your quarantine snack of choice
Liked by: Glinda

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Tell me about the last time you pulled a prank on someone? What was the prank? What was their reaction? If you can’t remember, just tell me about a prank you find funny in general, or use this as a filler.

AmericanLass’s Profile PhotoC.
I tried to convince a few people that the Corona virus was named that because of tainted Corona beer that was shipped to China. This was early in the viral spread. It was partly a test to see if anyone was paying attention to the news
Liked by: C.

Neo be like why cf not asking more questions? Grappler be like why cf asking so many questions? Um, as I always say answer the ones you want and delete the ones you do not want. I send my questions out of love and you can reply out of the same or ignore as you see fit...

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Did she call you baby, all night long? Why did you leave?’s Video 160260743554 txOo9T1jn5YNeo_gs’s Video 160260743554 txOo9T1jn5Y

Oops! You meant whether I have milk and sugar, didn’t you? Now you’ve had a masterclass anyway. Hope you’re coping with the lockdowns and staying safe :)

lizzypickles’s Profile PhotoLizzy Pickles
I did not know the preference to add some milk before the water.
Liked by: Lizzy Pickles

So has anyone resorted to giving themselves a haircut yet? *eyes bangs*

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
I tried to trim a bit around my ears with a small trimmer I have.
*still scruffy looking*
Liked by: Glinda

Regardless of the outcome, I believe that, speaking even at this point, the Covid-19 outbreak will prove to be an unforgettable event in our lifetime (assuming we survive). So what are the most memorable events in your lifetime thus far? For me, it's 9/11 and the death of Princess Diana. You?

Pres Reagan shot
Iraq invasion of Kuwait
Day 1 of Operation Desert Storm
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With political atomisation arguably being something of a populist trend nowadays, do you think the state of California could succeed in seceding from the US union? As an American citizen, are you for or against the Calexit? What would be the pros and cons of an indie Cali, both for Cali and the US?

Overall, the secession of any state would be bad for the U.S. as a whole. It wouldn't just be CA...that would be a cascade effect until the U.S. was left with just the original 13 colonies in the northeast.
Lets look at this as just a lone occurrence. If CA were to secede right now and be governed as it currently is, the sovereign California (let's call them SCA) nation would fail miserably. It is entirely too much of a nanny state right now. If they were SCA, they would be the world's fifth largest economy ahead of India and behind Germany. Their debt to GDP is about 125% (Forbes estimate) which rivals some of the Eurozone country countries that have teetered on the brink of economic collapse. SCA would probably turn into some hybrid of the Narco Zones of Mexico and the wastelands of Mad Max. People would flee SCA and the only ones left would be the elite in control of key businesses, criminal cartels, and the very poor who are harvesting crops to sell to the U.S.
On the other hand, if SCA were run "properly," they could be a near paradise of a robust economy, low taxes, high employment and individual freedom. SCA could easily negotiate to use the U.S. dollar, sign trade deals with the U.S. and other countries, sign a defense agreement where the U.S. military would be their defense force (SCA would have their own internal security/police). Tourism to SCA would boom since U.S. peeps would be comfortable with "international travel" to SCA.
N. CA wants to split from the urban SoCal and be called the state of Jefferson.

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Liked by: iDysfunctional

Some people ask me about inks and babykat and I say it’s none of my business. Nothing lasts forever, I suppose, would be my only comment

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
You seem to forget Ink’s fate n the atchafalaya basin. I wonder if Serena has taken to cruising the wastelands with her new husband and Pumpkin in her V8 Mustang Interceptor?

A righteous person will tell you what they think, not what they want you to think, your thoughts?

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
If the righteous person is vocalizing his/her thoughts, I’d think they are hoping to influence those listeening

How do you like your covfefe? :P (aka: coffee) Do you make it at home or do you prefer it made elsewhere? If you don't drink covfefe, do you usually drink anything for energy purposes? :P

I used to grab it “on the road” or at work. Now that is a lesser option so I make it more at home using a coffee press.
A lady “up the river” wanted a pic of my coffee mug. It is in a few q’s before this one.
Liked by: Lizzy Pickles

In a brighter(ish) note regarding all this Corona-beer-virus hooplah... I musty ask... You think we can use "social distancing" as an "excuse" to not be near the people we don't like? lol. xD Like, you think after this, we'll be using "social distance" as normal slang? :P

Most women I tried to date were already social distancing themselves from me. I don’t see much difference now.

Um, Neo, this isn't the apocalypse, far from. The world will be back to normal in less than two months. If you don't believe me ask CasualFan Media, news you can trust! Also, Spring is here. Happy Spring! :)

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
I’m still going to tune-up my V8 Interceptor...just in case.

So what new skill have you acquired during quarantine? *does wobbly handstand*

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
Stretching 2/3 of a day’s work into a full “work from home” day
Liked by: Glinda

Prayers for garage kitty!!

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
She was scheduled for euthanasia. Dad even dug a grave. She still had fight in her at the vet. After an exam, IV fluids, meds she went back home. If she can start eating again, she could pull through. Parents have to update the vet Tues. they aren’t letting her go outside.
+1 answer in: “me: let me bug neo. grappler: no, don't do that! me: oh, okay. :( glinda: reads stephen king book. me: answer my questions? glinda: no, don't bother me right now. me: :(”

me: let me bug neo. grappler: no, don't do that! me: oh, okay. :( glinda: reads stephen king book. me: answer my questions? glinda: no, don't bother me right now. me: :(

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Garage foster kitty is sick. She isn’t eating. The vet is closed. This could be her end
+1 answer Read more

Wow, just had my first mango of the year. It was so good. The first one is always the best

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Is “mango” a code word for a woman’s (censored)?

Right now everyone's complaining about the lockdown, but when the lockdown in lifted everyone will be complaining about having to go back to work. It's like when it's winter, everyone complains about the cold, and when it's summer everyone says it's too hot. Don't you agree

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
I’m grateful to still have a job.


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