
Nic Skaggs

Ask @NicoleSkaggs

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Remember when we first got sour patch kids together💕remember when we went bowling,remember when we went to all the basketball games together,remember when you left me to go to Texas.I cried for 3days cuz I thought you were never coming back.I have no doubt we will continue to make these memories💖

katrina_petersen’s Profile PhotoKatrina Petersen
aw these make me happy
Liked by: Katrina Petersen

Imitate your best friend

'my zipper is undone'
'there's something in my eye'
'can we go for a walk?'
*brings me sour patch kids(;*
'talks about this one boy in particular'
*finds a new boy but goes back to the toxic one*
'do I look okay?'
'oh these are your clothes'
*talks non stop*
'I'm not in the mood to do work today'
*is really good at art*
'my mom won't let me do anything'
idk so much more

Could you see yourself getting in a relationship with the person you're interested in?

I thought so but apparently it's one sided.

your honestly so gorgeous Nicole 🙊 like i never noticed until I seen you in person. you are so pretty don't let any boy ever let you feel like you are less then that! you deserve the best😍

aw who is this


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