

Ask @NippleFish87

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Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?

TalMago’s Profile PhotoTal
My great uncle, my dad’s friend, a former class mate of mine and Jesse Ventura.

What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

TalMago’s Profile PhotoTal
I don’t really have a problem with holding and maintaining eye contact so neither..

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Were you wiser when you were a kid?

AskKeishaJ’s Profile PhotoKJay
I was wise in not believing in God or Santa when I was 7 and tricking my parents into thinking I believed to get more gifts lmao. I was dumb for wanting to be an adult. Adulting SUCKS.

Are words and human voice enough to influence feelings? Listen to this video and tell me what you think? Https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = ETsrw9k6omM & t = 0s

c46236457066’s Profile PhotoKHALED SAMY (Saif)
I do not have time for you stupid video. I am fuckin' bored right now and spamming my friends with likes.

If your parents hated your partner you currently loved would you ditch him or carry on with him despite the protests?

I would date whoever even if my parents didn't like them. It's my relationship, not theirs.
Liked by: Tal

follow your heart and you'll be okay

Yeah, I don't know about that tbh. I often forget I have feelings and when they come up I feel like an idiot and am stuck trying to rationalize or logic my way through them. It's SOOOO fuckin' weird and uncalled for when it happens.

Nobody really have to reply to this but some of the crazy shit that people ask me on here really give me no other choice but to make their question a secert just to charge them coins, thats on the real

People are crazy on here
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