

Ask @NippleFish87

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What's your favourite thing about yourself?

toxicunicornbutt’s Profile PhotoA✨
My inability to give up under challenging and rewarding circumstances. Even if there's a dip in momentum for instance, I'll do reverse psychology on myself and I'll half-tell myself that "I give up" and it's like any lack of motivation that I had previously is suddenly gone and I'm completely rejuvenated. I hate the idea of giving up, even if I know it's complete bullshit, so saying that I do only refuels me to keep pushing forward with newfound vigor. This works a vast majority of the time.
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What is your take on the saying “FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE?”

Chantel55777’s Profile PhotoChantelly
If need be, go for it. Do what you gotta do to help yourself so long as you're not malicious to other people

Would you rather the bitter truth or sweet falsehood? -BHonest

grismob_’s Profile PhotoBHonest
Bitter truth all day every day. Sweet falsehoods are for pussies or people who are not tied to reality.

(sent on 1/28/22) are you content with doing nothing some days, or do you always feel the need to be busy?

poetalunam’s Profile Photoleigh; ✨️
I'm not naturally content with doing nothing. I also have to have some stimulation and interest in doing what I do. Doing nothing makes me feel like I'm losing control so its inevitable that I get up and get moving. This is especially true during a depressive episode. To clarify, when I say "control" it's not in a pedantic, fussy way, but more or less a mastery of something or some situation. I need to conquer this thing or situation or I'll feel powerless. Nip it right in the bud ASAP.
If need be, I may go a brief stretch without doing anything to recollect my thoughts and analyze what went wrong and why and how to solve it if say I'm feeling down or depressed but I eventually get up and get going. Even when I'm not the most motivated, I can make myself busy. The enthusiasm and drive may not always be there in those situations but the job does get done eventually. I understand a need to rest but I don't wanna dawdle for too long.
Even in the rare cases that I don't have the energy to get up and move, I'll default to playing video games and setting goals and achieving them in said video game for instance. Another is googling and finding answers to whatever piques my interest. I'm still doing something, even if it isn't obvious or physical.

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Serious question. How do you date someone if you are a very independent, introverted, socially awkward, high functioning gaming person?

DarkSeraphirm’s Profile PhotoZenos viator Galvus - HNIC
Find someone who’s either very similar to you or attractive to you that’s into gaming. There are plenty of people who match what you say in gaming or online. Put yourself out there. Good luck!

You’re at McDonald’s! What are you ordering?

- Big Mac w/ extra mystery meat (If not, a quarter pounder)
- Large fries w/ extra salt (best fries - even better than 5 guys)
- 10 or 20 piece McNugget depending on my appetite LOL
- A couple of small hamburgers to go with it
I can EAT. I don't do this as often anymore because I've been watching my calorie intake lately but every once in a while I'll spoil myself lol @allinbloom knows all about it lmao

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Would you say you're an outgoing person, or are you more of the shy type?

toxicunicornbutt’s Profile PhotoA✨
Finally, a question that is actually a question and isn't gibberish lol. I'm naturally more outgoing and extroverted, but in recent years look and act more introverted because of life experience, mental illness and growing up in general. I'm more selective with who or what I give my energy to. I do get my energy from being around people but I've come to realize that most people suck so I'm at a crossroads lol. I remember being a child and being mad at and trying to convince my parents to stay longer at social events for school because I didn't want to be the first one to leave and didn't want to be under their control. I didn't want to be limited. It was never encouraged and was so fuckin' lame. Even though nowadays I spend a lot of my free time in my room, if I get invited to party I will go every time.

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Why Is There So Many Anonymous Questions? Are People Scared To Ask As Themselves🤔

Geedy117’s Profile PhotoGeedy
You pretty much just answered your own question

How is Bullying a real problem on this app, yet not what people think it is? I think think it's fucked up that everyone is part of a huge cover-up on this app and other social media platforms.

Um what... what cover-up lol pretty much no one uses this app enough for it to be a cover-up. Ask fell off at least 5 years ago and has been at the bottom of the shitter since. I don't think there's a bullying cover-up on other platforms either, people just say shit. I'm not understanding what you mean. As for the bullying...
Bullying is more common on here because people are fucking pussies and exploit the anon function and say shit on anon that they wouldn't say to the person's face. That's why it's a problem on here. Very simple and self-explanatory


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