
Nisha Rafiq

Ask @NishaBegum

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Dont fkn sai shyt to me i fkn rip ur hed of stupid hoe givn me attitde

Haha you give me jokes what the fuck are you?! Are you a dog by any chance?! Ahaha i was stating the facts about life not giving attitude darling

Hahahah seriously? Awww you have a weak bladder ;) omg have a word with that shlaag and ngl I use to text like that! Is says: "Don't fucking say shit to me, I will rip your fucking head off! Stupid hoe, giving me attitude!" <-- what a cretin -.- <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
I know i do:( haha help me:L i think its a dick though:/ omg really god! Hahaha now that's funny silly coconut <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Fucking tards, hahahha so fucking true that's like with every freshie! :') hahaa! It will be hard to put you down, you have me by your side to make you pee with laughter ;) and it must be some sort of horny dirty bastard who's been asking you those silly, disgusting questions! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Exactly god knows how i'm going to cope:( haha omg please not like yesterday i had to get out of bed like 2times-.- trust it probably is and i think i know who it is but not sure:/ btw what does the last bit say been trying to figure it out since ages:L <3 xxxxxxxxxxx
Dont fkn sai shyt to me i fkn rip ur hed of stupid hoe givn me attitde

Seriously starting to piss me the fuck up that you're getting so much hate! Haters gonna hate enit? Tbh there grammar is appalling!! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Luckily i can still understand some words lol they need english lessons quick or else they will be like freshies 'me you like marry red passport give divorce' hahahha trust they know exactly have to put me down but i get over it some questions are so disgusting i can't even answer them-.- xxx <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Too late, omfg I made nishaa wet xD hahahah! And those idiots are still sending you those questions about Fizzy? For fuck sake! They need a punch in the face! -.- <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Haha omg the whole world knows now:( they'll probably start hating me more.. Yes, they're stupid people who can't come off anon or even back their own questions up <3 xxxxxxxx
Liked by: Samiaaa

IT IS A BIG DEAL, OMFG! I made you pee with laughter hahahhahaha! Don't worry, I won't make you laugh and pee at the same time xD aw bless! <3 xxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Omfg sssshhhh don't tell everyone!-.- haha awww <3 xxxxxxxxx

I can make someone laugh longer than that ;) pfft, he's no competition ahaha omg you peed :D yeayyyy <3 xxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Haha ssshhhh;) yes i peed:L big deal haha don't make me laugh now-.- <3 xxxxxxxxx

No, I just don't know him so what is there to dislike if I don't know him apart from what has happened, yes but I bet he's a safe lad :L and naaaaaaaah I'm alright, he'll think I'm fucking cracked in the head xD hahaahaa <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
He is safe and is awesome he made me laugh for a good 3hours yesterday and then after that you made me laugh and then i needed to pee:/-.- lool <3 xxxxxxxxxxx

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I don't have a pet and i will never have a pet

LOL, I don't think you want to know what I think plus I hardly know that guy most people are hyping on about ;) ahaha you babe :3 <3 xxxxxxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
I bet you already dislike him right? Haha should get to know him.<3 cxxxxxxxxxx

Good looking, erm ok :L? And aw we do don't we? ;) hehe <3 xxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Hot, fit, sexy damn he's perfect what do you think?:p haha too right we do lol <3 xxxxxxx

Awwww he has admirers? I feel for the guy :L really! I bet they're all trolls, feels so sorry for him man :/! And of course;)! I don't see why not ;) hahaha! <3 xxxxxxx

Anisha Iftikhar
Yeah loads and he's even turned down so many girls that's how good looking that dude is yano;) ahahaha we think way too much of ourselves <3 xxxxxxxxxx

some bitch is obsessed with me and she sends hate to girls I talk to you fun k me she needs to get sent down for stalking the stupid slut xxxxxx

Haha maybe she loves you and wants you;) lool she should as well hate people who give hate like seriously have you no life xxxxx

All good wuutxxxxx

That's good:') nothing much just listening to music and laughing at the hated questions i'm getting wbu?!xxxxxx


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