
Nisha Rafiq

Ask @NishaBegum

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Dude what is it with these sluts giving you hate and calling you ugly? Like WTFFFFF? THEY MUST BE BLIND! You ain't ugly! Pfft I bet the person who's sending you hate is an attention seeking whore who looks like the shit that comes out of my arse xD <3

Anisha Iftikhar
Trust if it's the girl me and fizzy think then god help her looks she's so urgh! Makes me sick just thinking about how she looks:/ i'm so damn beautiful inih? Tell me i'm beautiful please tell me not to feel down beacause i have low self confidence:( we're nishy's are awesome and beautiful! <3 xxx
Liked by: αmeenα♡

Fizzy single he is a fkn liar

Seems like you know a lot about his personal life? Would you like to come off anon? Oh wait no because you're the liar in all this shitty bullshit! For your kind info he's not single and why would he lie about having a girlfriend are you feeling ok? Silly bitch! I don't believe a word you say because i trust fizzy more than you! Yes you heard me go cry a river now!

U r so fkn ugli gt the fk owt dis world fizzy is myn

LOOOOOOOOOL if this is the girl who me and Fizzy think it is then damn baby i can honestly say you have no life what so ever! And me ugly bane look at yourself in the mirror you're no where near perfect so just shut the fuck up and get a life. Fizzy has a girlfriend who he loves he doesn't need someone like you to ruin shit for god sake just leave him and me alone what is your problem back up your questions then! Fucking silly little bitch get the fuck off my page:@

I already have weirdos after me, trust me haha! Its always the weird ones! I think its because of my personality? If I'm weird well then I attract the weird kind omfg :O and AW US BOTH NISHY'S ARE BEAUTS ;) and love youuuuuuuuu toooooo <3 xxxxxxxx

Haha you're just so attractive with your bug booty;) and colourful ass:p yeah deffo you do they think you're perfect for them if you're weird! Haha very beautiful everyone dies to be part of our nishy crew:L haha awww <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1. Have a boyfriend? 2. Been fingered 3. Licked pussy 4. Bra size 5. What colour underwear? 6. Ever sexed 7. Taken or single 8. Big or small tits

Fuck off

2 faced cow

haha baby that's the reason why i have two faces in my dp :L and would you do the honour and do come off anon


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