Yes .. now you come and see me .. that's the only way .. good luck and good vibes. Peace
My friends crush likes me. What do i do
I was disrespected for years .. less then 3 weeks ago you still did the same thing .. you think I'm that desperate ... I won't let you disrespect me again so I have to go .. good luck
Would you be mad if I ghost you when we’re supposed to meet before you moved thousands of miles away? We weren’t that close and never hung out. He gave friendship vibes when I was clearly looking for a relationship but he still liked/ my 😍 my pics we hadn’t talked in months. D he just want to hkup
You see wtf is this. . Tomorrow I will tell my mother to cut comunication. . You will know everything you have said to me .. she'll understand me
Everything you did before your dream is forgiven. Everything after your dream, won’t be
Dick cock tits ass.. oh sorry your name is pussy
Are you moving on?
Yes ofc . Told you .. you think I'm really dumb .. I can't belive my self all the times I let my self be mistreated by you
I wanted to be married by now but I’m almost 30 with no significant other. I really want to have my own kids but that’s not seeming like an option at this point😞 I feel like I missed the boat
You killed the love .. I told you many times don't do it .. you gonna push me away, ego kills love .. and look now 😳
If someone who loved you..wrote you a poem, how interested would u be in reading it??
Stop it .. stop ... it's not working anymore.. I'm healed.. you never gave me a chance to get to know you .. all you did was laugh at my life .. you laugh at me for being broke .. you're wrong .. I'm a value my self .. I have chosen my self .. God spoke to me .. and said .. love your self first .. and you have never been nice to me. Last time you asked me WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE HURT AFTER BEING HURT... and you did it again. I forgive you but I don't forget .. I found a new path in life. And l feel good and postive .. it's funny how now that I'm sober, I can make better decisions for my self ñ
Who thinks dm a total stanger okay?
This is your idea your result I'm very tired of this
Did you ever have a crush on someone and now hate them?
I don't hate her .. I just love my self first ... I still have the same email .. contact me there .. you like to text... well email all you want .. I'm getting a new cell and I'm changing my cell
Ok so I have an eating disorder and I make myself throw up and right now I’m not allowed to go to the bathroom and I really need to pee can someone talk to me just to keep my mind off of it???
Please 🥺
Sorry I don't belive a word you say .. I went to church today .. I have opened my eyes .. you have pushed so far away .. I don't feel the same .. in the past days I've been really spiritual ... look this place is toxic .. you offend me .. I'm better than that ...
How come a lot of items say made in China
I feel like going to SMULE I've heard people are looking for me ☺
The way u recently did me, I shouldn't want you back. I probably won't, when all is said and done.
I bet you don't even remember what you have said to me .. well you have said enough for me to walk away.
I used to feel that way .. but I found my self again
Are you okay today?
I had a fantastic day ... my life has changed ... I'm changing my number too .. I'm getting a new cell.. I feel good.. I don't feel any attachment .. I just will never understand what I did to you to deserve all your hate .. you hurt my when I was hurt and broke .. you called broke when I was broke .. you called me ugly when I was ugly.. you know . I'm amune to your mistreatment... I don't feel like doing this no more. I mean it.. I'm very in peace, you just make me feel insecure and you always do the same.. I'm grown .. I've learned
I don't hate men, but I am finding it difficult to even like a man. Why is this?