
Patrick Funke

Ask @NyphLoL

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Which problems do you guys have in the team, since you're in this type of ''slump'', at least compared to your previous level of play in the summer split? Are you optimistic about the future or is it more serious problems?

NichlasLeth’s Profile PhotoNichlas Leth
Every season is different and you gotta adapt or you will fall.
We have obvious problems in the team right now but nothing that is impossible to fix. Actually there are kinda similar problems to last year. So what we are doing right now is analyzing our problems in the game and fix them step by step. Everything starts with ban & pick, then laning/laneswap, vision control, objective control, mid game and late game.
We are also trying to put me on the main shotcaller role. I'm not gonna lie i think i still have plenty of things to learn, for example like in the SK game to have more of a dominant voice so we would have avoided that fight in their red jungle.
Once we satisfied with our performence in one part we go on and try to to improve the next. Expect to see some new AD picks this week ; )
You will see something else too next week but i cant tell you too much ; )
So yeah there are plenty of things to improve and im confident that we will do much better over the season. We take the season right now as a learning experience and our goal is to do well in the playoffs.

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Did you watch all four seasons of Legend of Korra? :D

yeah i watched all of them. i didnt really liked the first one but i kept watching it because i liked avatar. over the season it got better though and it still has alot of charm in the series.
Liked by: cginochi

How do you play tanky supports (leona, braum) from behind? Your job is to go in and soak damage, but you die so quickly because the enemy team's ahead. Any advice?

You still gotta go in and do your job. Try to fight in man advantage so always have 1 more than them. In solo queue it happens often that teams dont group and thats where you can turn the tide of the game.

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How do you guys like this meta so far? Last split, Wickd said in a post-game interview that they were winning so much because they fit well with the meta. Do you think your recent losses are from difficulties adjusting to the meta, or different problems?

The meta right now is fine, its not smth that fits us super well nor does it affect us negative. I think the viable champions are probably more than ever before overall and you just have to find smth you are really good at.

How big of a break did you get between worlds and IEM San Jose, and did you have another break for you after IEM?

Ahmed Alaa
Im not quite sure how long the break was but i would say around half a month. For IEM San Jose we prepaired in total of 3 weeks. We bootcamped in the logitech HQ. After IEM all of us went home until january and we only played solo queue to keep up in the changes and mechanics. The break was around 3 or 4 weeks.

Hey Nyph. I'm mainning Support since I started playing LoL a few months ago. I'm not level 30 now, but will be son, so, wich Support do you recomend me for "carry" more games? Ty :3

honestly you should just play what you are best at. if you really like a champion and that champion is somewhat viable just play it. you will always perfom best when you like what you do.

What's your opinion about the coach for Elements so far? (:

Jean Amdisen
So far i like what he is doing. Of course he is also still in the learning phase and i believe he will be a great coach. Right now we are in a transition in giving him the main power over ban & pick and how to play out the game. His biggest strenght is probably building a strong teamcomp for teamfights. He has a great understanding of how strong a champion in a fight is.
What he still has to learn is the movement on the map in mid game and late game to gain advantages over the enemies.(rotations)

I just wanted to say thank you for streaming, it was entertaining and I learned a lot. Do you plan on streaming more often?

yes definitely. i was just pretty busy with moving to berlin and training for lcs but as the season goes on i will have more time for streaming.

@Nyph Do u guys go out Sometimes in a Bar or something or u dont got the time ?

xMarcel69’s Profile PhotoMarcel Schreiber
last year we went out almost every week and we always had a great time. this season so far we havent found the time for it but we went out at friday and i really enjoyed the night with the whole team and some rioters. favourite shot: sambuka ; )

Who was your first main and who is your favorite champion today?

If i go back all the way it was probably TF, he was super fun to play back in season 1. My first support main was janna and she is still my most favourite champ.

I've noticed a few pros have Frost Queen's Claim, but then sell it for Talisman for Ascension halfway through a game. Would you recommend this and when is the best time to do so? Also I think you're a brilliant and underrated support ^^

when you have to engage the enemy team but you lack of any engage champions its important to go for talisman. in most cases its better to go for spellthief early in the game which provides more dmg and gold but then once you need an actual engage tool you can change it for talisman. i also would recommend not to upgrade spellthief to frost queen if you really wanna go for talisman later in the game, you would waste too much money on that, rather leave it spellthief or upgrade it to maxium into frostfang.

What's your opinion on Sona right now as a support?

jack abbott
she is still pretty weak after the rework. i like the idea of the rework that her positioning rewards good sona players but she has just a really poor design from the beginning and its really hard to balance such champions since they are either too weak or too strong. there are alot of champions like her atm. taric or soraka are good examples. those champions just dont have any outplay potentiel and are really straight forward without needing any skill at the game which lead to the problem of balance.

What do you guys do before you get into Champ select during competitions?

Scalesu’s Profile PhotoScales
usually we try to play 1 or 2 games before we play as warmup. make sure that everyone ate smth before and went to toilette since you cant pause ingame for that^^. before we go on the stage we have our last talk with our coach for the last introductions. after that we go on stage and check all our settings that everything is fine and go into a custom game and either cs or kill as many bots as possible until the game starts.

What do you think about zilean support, it seems like its getting more popular in the asian region

zilena is a champion i wouldnt like to play but he can definitely work in the right team compositions.
he is pretty good at snowballing the game due to his xp passive and he has a pretty decent laning phase. he also counters teamcomps which can only burst you down but dont have enough dps. besides that he is rather weak in most aspect, he doenst have any hard cc nor alot of dmg and get outscaled by every other support. also if you die when you are ahead you will give the enemie alot of xp and make it easier for the enemies comeback since riot changed the way xp works and gives your more xp when you are down in levels.

When to go Mobi boots as Braum and why?

mobi boots are just in general really good on supports which allow you to engage easier and roam more. in most cases its the best option to buy. only if the enemy team has 5 champions with cc or only ad teams i would go for defensive boots.

Gorilla played Janna vs KTB. Do you think she'll see some play at Worlds or will she go unpicked?

krpoltax’s Profile PhotoMatthew Hasenfus
i believe there is a high change we will see her at worlds.
janna as a support synergise really well with ads which have an ad scaling skill they can poke with on lane. back in the days you could see alot of janna + ashe/cait or even ezreal lanes. gorilla played it with lucian which does the same in lane with his q.
i have played her actually quite abit by myself and i believe she is strong in the right setup. she has always been the best peeling support later on in the game but with a rather weak lane.


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