
Sudeep Tiwari

Ask @OhMrSudeep

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You look more handsome in t shirt. I wish I was in the t shirt too 😋

Jeez. Easy! If you were in the t shirt, it’ll be you, t shirt and my skeleton cuz my death is the only thing that’ll make your wish come true.
Liked by: kamrelove

I like your answers I’ll wait for you to be single 🤣

So you’re gonna die alone? Pity.
But I think it’s probably good for others.

Sending anonymous to know is weird. How about we take the conversation to whatsapp?

The meaning of garbage has been redefined to mean whatsapp?
I’m sure that’s where a conversation with you will lead to.
You can dial 77-99-33-out-of-your-league to reach me.
I’ll even get married to you because I’ve always wanted to go through a divorce.
Liked by: Shy, Low

I know alot about your girlfriend that u don’t

My girlfriend knows a lot about herself that I don’t too.
Please write everything that you know on a paper, roll it diagonally so that it looks like a straw and then shove it slowly way up your ass until it reaches your head.

You can never guess who’s coming to hyderabad on the weekend

You can definitely guess who’s going away from Hyderabad on the weekend.

I wish I can also write like you. If I tell you who I am will you write something for me?

I will definitely write something for you.
On your grave.
Liked by: Shy, Low

I expected you to meet me before you leave Mumbai. 😔 At least a goodbye hug

Please help me remember what they say about expectations.
Liked by: Shy, Low

I sent a request on instagram but you didn’t accept 😕

So you’re telling me that I’ve done something good for myself? Thanks. I’ve always wanted to do good things that’ll keep me happy.
Liked by: Shy, Low

Which famous celebrity would you like to date, and why?

I’ll date Neil deGrasse Tyson and trick him into mowing my lawn just to tell him “cut deGrasse properly Tyson”.
Liked by: yEEt.

Can I have your number?

You can have my alphabets instead. With some laxatives to go with that. I’m sure that’ll help you shit a better question than this.

WHO do you think you ARE , in your own imagination ?

I am SOMEONE who screams a QUESTION in his own IMAGINATION.

How much you love before ??

A wise man once said: You can’t quantify love. It’s all about giving and learning.

An even wiser man said: Shut the fuck up.

If you have fallen in love with their soul before you touch their skin, it’s true love #Thesedaysitsveryhardtofindtruelove

You’re looking in the wrong direction.
Also stop with the emotional soul and physical nonsense.
People fall in love after having great sex too.
Disappointments like you are an exception though.
Liked by: Shy, Low


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