Ask @OhMyGayss

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if a fat man in red puts you in a bag, don't worry I asked santa for you. <3

Whoever has hacked my account fuck you. Seriously go kill yourself :)
Liked by: Lou

What do men talk about when there are no women around?

Going to put a downer on shit now :)
One day someone's going to walk into your life and they're going to make you smile, laugh, feel loved, you're going to feel like they're the one, that nothing will go wrong, that you'll be together forever, that you'll get a house together that you'll have children and get married and be together till you get old and wrinkly. unfortunately it's not going to happen. The happiest couple in the world could seem happy on the outside, doesn't mean they're happy on the inside.
When you get into a relationship make sure you prepare yourself for the worst because that's what is going to happen and there won't be a chance in hell that you or anyone else will be able to stop it of fix it.
So before you get into a relationship or even a friendship for that matter, think.

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Ok, tbh; your British&I am too but not fully British like you! I want your accent. Omg. &But you are such an amazing person, you have a great personality, you are so sweet &cute. &I hope to meet you one day! Uhm, you&your bf are cute I hope it lasts a long time! &talk to me more okk:))((:

Thank you!:') ❤️❤️


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