
Muhammad Owais

Ask @OwaisSiddiq97

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It's been rather dull, To fill the void with smiles, Unwilling to reach your eyes.

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
آج پھر مہمان بن کر پُرانے غم آۓ ہیں
آج پھر پہلے کی طرح ہم مُسکراۓ ہیں
اک تیری دیدہ دہی کی خاطر ہم نے
کتنے دید شُنید کے پیغام ٹُھکراۓ ہیں
اِک بھی پیغام ہمارا تُم تک نہ پہنچا لیکن
ہم تو پُر کرنے کو خلا، اِک اور نذر لاۓ ہیں
آج پھر ڈوبا ہوا دِل ہے، مدھم ہے فضا
آج پھر مہمان بن کر پُرانے غم آۓ ہیں
از خود
I didn’t know how to answer it. So I just make it into a poem xD
Its been rather dull
To fill the void with smiles
Unwilling to reach your eyes

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You become friend with people when you have shared interests.
If you haven’t made friends yet, simply means your interests don’t match with anyone.
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People behave differently when the same person asks the question anonymously and after unticking. Esa kun hai ?

An anonymous person could be anyone. They could be someone with similar interests/personality as you so there’s a chance of becoming friends or at least communicating often.
On the other hand They could be your parents and yet you wouldn’t know so you’re free to misbehave.
When they’ve unticked, the possibility of them being anyone else is gone. They are who they are. So you’re restricted to talk a certain way, answer a certain way, behave a certain way.
Being anonymous gives you almost as much freedom as the anonymous person, if not more.


Language: English