

Latest answers from Маня

I'm in the middle of the worst depression episode of my life. I've tried everything I can to counteract the sadness but everything just feels so pointless. Anyways, what do you do when you're really sad and what makes you feel better? I've tried just about everything and it doesn't work. :(

I've tried lots of things to avoid this state, however, it's needed to live through it as will help you to become morally strong in the future. I had a period in my life when it was close to depression (however, I cannot tell you for sure that it was depression). I have been living without any goal, I've been surviving and just going to school. I've had a lot of thoughts (mostly, negative), I had lots of arguments with the person who has been with me and with who I have left without thanking him... He understood me, however, I thought oppositely. The reason for my "depression" was the loss of my best friend due to me. We've stopped being friends at all. It was hard for me, so I felt lots.
What helped me that time? I've started to be friends with my old friend. But it ended again due to some reasons. I had disappointment regarding lots of things that I made up and believed. So, I started to live again without a person.
So...You shouldn't be afraid of this state, you should understand your reason for sadness and try to find out what you can do to solve it and make easier your life. If you cannot affect some things, just let them go as it doesn't depend on you.
My favorite part of struggling with some difficulties in life is to imagine that I am already in the future and recognize I've managed them. In most cases, it really happens in this way.
So, wish you good luck and take care!

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Какой тип внешности тебе нравится?

В різний період життя мені подобались різні типи зовнішності (хлопців). Але моя любов зараз це кудряві волосся у мого хлопця, і не тільки) В ньому мені подобається усе)

Твоё сердце свободно?

Ні, я віддала своє серце найкращому хлопцю в цьому світі)

Фильм или сериал? :)

Для меня и то, и другое сложно осилить)))

Маленький пожиратель печенек 🥰❤️ ты все ещё тут сидишь?

Ого, кто-то помнит мой старый ник)
Да, сижу периодически

Почему забросила?

Он стал забирать слишком много времени, да и, в принципе, стал скучным для меня

Language: English