

Ask @PorcospinoNuvola

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-stares at the small hedgehog- Roll.

HibariKyoya’s Profile PhotoHibariKyoya
Kyuu! -her eyes sparkle as her confused look quickly changes to one of pure happiness at the site of her master-

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(NOOOOOO!!! *lost the game as well* Crap. Now what? <:/ )

(( ....is this... who I think it is @____@ ))

:o omg... kyuu in Japanese means 9... Roll says kyuu.. therefore.... Roll's fan number should be 09 :D

kyuu? -she doesn't understand what you mean anon-
(( XD a friend has already established that for me... unless... you are her? ))

What does the World know about the country you live in?

kyuu! (That the strongest human alive is there! )

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

kyuu~ (take a nap with my master on the roof of Namimori Chuu...)

Language: English