

Ask @PrincessGuerah

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your my ig crush /.\ ure kute af... ure beautiful if u was mine id treat as a princes^.^ ;)

Awwww thank you :') who are you ? Lol

Can we have dinner at Denny's and then take you to my home and introduce you to my pet antelope and then bring you to my room where I hold you down and lick your forehead until I pull out deer knife and sacrifice you to the all mighty dark lord satan ?

Get the fuck ouuta here with that shit

Lmao yea somewhat

We were the only ones who didnt listen to ms.diamond lol she would get hella mad ahaha

Lol u prolly don't remember but I was the only guy in qsa lmao

Tory LMAO We did drink in class somewhat ahaha

Just got a bottle of peach Amsterdam lol turn up

Who are you ?? Lol & we on it first day of school (: ?

You hella pretty :* , if you was mine i would treat you like a princess ! You sexy too ;) i would smash . Lol

Awwww :') i LOVE being treated like a princess


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