

If someone created an alternative version of Ask that had more user protections and was more entertaining, would you consider using it? What if you could only access it in the browser for the first few months, i.e. no app just yet?

Dom is that youuuu?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Latest answers from Jade

Do you have piercings/tattoos?

Aight, I'm out. Call me if Teri, Eva and Lissa come back. I have strong words to share.. :D

Pap of how long your hair is now?

I really should upload a new pic now that the hair grew back in (:..

Why is it so hard for overweight people to find someone to love them ? Most people just pick on us overweight people! I may be fat but Iā€™m a good person !

Yeah prob are a good person. But humans instinctively see physically fit as attractive. Obv if we selected for unhealthy mates that would die from some disease that couldve been avoided with a good diet we prob wouldn't be around.
So yeah, you shouldn't be bullied just for being fat , but it is not the rest of humanity's fault you're living so unhealthily. Jus being honest with ya. (:

Howdy Lily šŸ¤ 

SimonHessā€™s Profile PhotoSimon
Danggg hey Simes. I was hope I could sneak in here and answer a bit and then disappear again for like a year lol. How are you?? :))

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