
Rama Husami

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"لا علاقة للشوكولاتة و القطط بالأنوثة ، يمكنك أن تأكلي الثوم و تربي الفيلة ، و تكوني أنثى رقيقة للغاية ..”

Liked by: leon heart

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم


Our purpose as in what purpose we human server. As some belive that purpose bring happiness and inner peace.

"It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves."
Liked by: leon heart

Smart, happiness is definitely not the goal, rather side effect of satisfaction and finding purpose. So what do you think is our purpose? Ever wondered about it?

When you are satisfied you become happy but for few moments.. maybe hours.
Then you are only satisfied or feeling well..
OUR = ?
Liked by: leon heart


Language: English