

what similaries do you have with RN/Remi?

lets see, the main ones: short dark hair, tan skin, impulsivity, copying when envious (based off my trait), peeping tom/tammy? (also based off my trait)
we're both artists/animators who make music part time, we're on the same social networks (except Reverbnation), we both have email anxiety, alternative sosh-med junkies, we love coffee... and her fashion sense too I guess, her work clothes are based on mine, although the character with some clothes looking exactly the same as mine is Travia. I purposely gave her the same beanie, jackets, tops & shoes as mine for some reason.

Latest answers from Rara

Reaksi kamu saat dibilang gini sama suami orang "coba ketemu kamu lebih dulu"

LARI. KABUR. Jauh2in orang yg kek gini serem amat jir

Silent treatment adalah bentuk tertinggi dari semua love language . . . . change my mind

Silent treatment shouldn't be normalized and should be abolished cuz we're adults and we should be able to talk things out like mature people.

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Tahun depan targetnya apa gaes ??

febryanpp’s Profile Photofebryanpp
insyaallah taun 2016 kerjaan gak banyak, gue bisa ngeuangkan waktu untuk personal project yang bejibun dan terhalangi, dapet views youtube lebih banyak lagi, lebih banyak revenue & lebih punya banyak waktu luang untuk baca buku.

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Kalo semisal orang upload selfie tapi pake efek yang wow sedangkan di real life biasa aja, gapapa kan?

B aja. Filters is for fun, they're for your self enjoyment, not for impressing others.

Enak ya klo masih punya orgtua masih ada tempat meminta, masih ada tempat berkeluh kesah. Enak banget yak dripada yg gk punya orgtua apa2 serba sendiri. Wes ngerti gt jg kdg gk kasian,gk ada empati. Tp jg gk mau ah memohon belaskasihan. Jd ya biarkan saja. Semoga dia gk merasakan hal yg seperti itu

Bersyukurlah anak millennial yg masih tinggal serumah sama ortu, even though people be making fun of them kek "dih udah kerja masih tinggal ama mama papa" orang sok keren gini gatau rasanya.

Language: English