Ask @Retlaw5051

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ladams208’s Profile Photo L

Why are u single don’t ppl know how to talk to u?

I'm not single, and I talk to quite a few people after first meeting them
Liked by: L

What do you think of children who throw themselves on the floor, cry, and hit their parents publicly when their wishes aren’t granted? 🤔

If it was my kid, I’d walk away while they’re lying there. And if they hit me, I’ll push them off their bike some day
Liked by: L

Do you believe in what anonymous people say to you ?

Of course not. If it was important, they’d say it off of anonymous
Liked by: L

Have you ever dropped the soap in the shower in a public shower?

I don’t shower in public restrooms. That’s disgusting
Liked by: L

Does wearing name brand clothes matter to you? And why.

No. I work in them, they get destroyed by wood chips and metal shavings, and they’re replaced. No need to dish out that kind of money. Keep it simple
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