
「LeeA」♡ ヽ(=`ω´=)ノ

Ask @RinNekoChanFD

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Haha, Sorao is awesome. What is your favourite song? or song that you've done if you cant pick a favourite song

Oh, I think it's Dango Daikazoku...
I plan to sing that song for my babies >8D

Lo se, estoy siendo muy incomoda con esto de las preguntas pero....La quiero ;w; <3

Awww, qué bonitooo ( / v \ ) ♥

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Le gusta el yaoi? 7w7

A veces sí, a veces no. (?)
y, bueno, también cabe acotar que... creo que se me hace más tierno una pareja abrazándose que besándose y dándose duro en un anime hfsdjkh no sé si se entiende mi punto. (???)

Usteh es kawaii y no me lo niega >:v

Se lo niego rotundamente
no es como si mi fondo de ask fuese kawaii como yo, señor
- indignada (?) -
Liked by: Camy Kawaii

What is a typical day like and what do you do in those days?

Well... a typical day for me is...
I don't know, singing all day, being in my PC all day, being in my bed all day, any of these XDDD

damn missed it. Whats your favourite genre of music?

Definitely JPop and KPop ~
oh, but I like Pop, Soul, Techno, Rock, etc ~
my musical tastes are varied

Yeah thats a good part, I like that fight too :p But didn't like the one against Pain. When's your birthday? if you don't mind me knowing

Oh, yeah D8
it's the 27th of January ~ ♥

Whats your favourite part of Naruto?

I don't know what part to choose XD
but the part that I have in my mind the most is when Naruto is fighting with Sasuke, before Sasuke left the Hidden Leaf Village </3

Yeah I understand with Spanish but Japanese is really that easy!? I'm trying to learn Japanese but need a good teacher XD Google isn't the best teacher. What is your favourite anime?

For me is THAT easy because I had been practicing it since... 8-10 years old I think XD
but only singing it ~ talking it is a bit different because I don't practice it a lot
I don't speak Japanese actually fdhskj I only listen the pronunciation and I get how to do it and then I learn on my own
My favourite anime EVER is Naruto, it will always be my fav ♥

Oh awesome! I can't wait till it comes out :D. Do you find it hard to sing in Japanese and English? or even talk in them

Yeah, wait for it 8D ♥
well... singing in Japanese for me is the easiest thing in the life XD it's even easier for me than singing in Spanish haha, when I sing in Spanish, if my modulation isn't good, no one will understand what I'm saying
but in Japanese, it isn't that hard ~
In English, it's easier for me to talk it rather than singing it... except if I know that song so veeery well, for example, I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston, I can pronounce it perfectly XD

Yeah I'm the same :p. Is there anything big you working on? Well big to you at least?

Great ♥ it's in progress the full version of ME!ME!ME! ~
the mix is ready, the art is ready, I only wait for the video :,D
it's the biggest project I've made in my whole life on YT lol

Do you follow a religion or are you an Atheist? PS. If I annoy you just tell me to shoo and I'll go.

Ohhh, you're not annoying or something like that, don't worry ♥
well, I follow agnosticism 8D if you know what I mean (?)

Well you pronounce your english just fine, and I love your spanish and Japanese covers as well, you have an amazing voice, Does your music career sorta thing pose trouble around your school work?

Thank you so much ♥ I do my best 8D
well, I have some troubles with it lol because sometimes I don't have enough time to record or I'm simply tired of school and everything
But lately I haven't been to school because of student's and teacher's protests XD so there're no classes at school

Do you have more fun in singing in Spanish or English?

I think Spanish, because it's my mother language and I've made more covers in Spanish - and in Japanese too -
but... I've made just a couple covers in English and I had fun doing them but I guess I don't feel its lyrics like I do in Spanish XDDD because I don't feel enough comfortable with my pronunciation too ;3;

Hey my friend wanted to know and well so do I but how old are you? If you don't mind me asking... You don't have to answer if you don't want to...

Oh, no problem ♥ it isn't a federal secret XD
I'm 16 ~

Just gonna ask What is WiP? I noticed you have a couple things on Soundcloud that say WiP but never really understood. Me and my friend took so long to remember and find one of your songs to find your youtube and soundcloud again and we became gitty school girls when we found it and when you replied

OMG, you two are so cute XD ♥ well, "WiP" is = Work in Progress
Once I saw it in SC so I put in on Google and voalá, then I knew what it was lol it was a mystery for me, haha ♥
Aaaaand, with love, here you have Mr. Carrot the pirate (?)
PS. Don't ask why I have pics with carrots hfdksj

creo que un golpe en los senos les duele muchisimo es verdad eso ?

Verás... depende en qué día del mes esté la chica XD a veces son más sensibles, a veces no tanto, pero claro, siempre duele

jajaja pero las mujeres no tienen testiculos :o

Lo sé XDDDD pero me refería a que hicieran algo así en sus partes íntimas hdjks
sí sé que las chicas no tienen (?)

que le diras a la agresora ?

Pues creo que dejaría en claro que lo que está haciendo es una estupidez por parte de ella y le preguntaría si le gustaría que hicieran lo mismo con su cuerpo ~

defenderias a un chico que es golpeado en sus testiculos por una chica injustamente?

Pues claro, la chica estaría abusando XD


Language: English