
Ruslan Sirota

Does a melody you have in your mind not exist before you play it or write it down? Does a thought you have not exist before your tongue forms the words and you speak it out loudly?

the melody exists in my mind before i play it. before it exists in my mind - theres no reason to assume it exists.
the thought exists in my mind before i say it. before it exists in my mind - theres no reason to assume it exists.

Latest answers from Ruslan Sirota

Use of symbols can be seen as language in the broader sense. But you confuse communication and language. Monkeys have communication not language.

I do not confuse communication with language. It is you who is making a distinction without a difference. There's no semantic communication without language. Without words? Yes. Without language? No communication. That's why there's sign language, it's a communication LANGUAGE without words. Language is the ONLY means of semantic communication. Without language there is no semantic communication.

You need language to be able to think and it is the medium you use to communicate and transport sthg. But the possibilty of yes or no is not dependend on the existence of language or comes together with.I can offer you sthg nonverbal and you nod or shake your head. It's the same.

Language has nothing to do with verbal. Animals have language, monkeys etc.. Mute people have language. Language has nothing to do with words. It's an organized, agreed upon system of symbols. It enables yes / no

Your Facebook cover photo is gorgeous. Why don't you post selfies?

If a look particularly good on a certain day, AND remember to take a pic, AND it comes out nice -- I might post. Those 3 rarely coincide though.

Is "Complextro" computer generated? Mixed? How long did it take you to compose, create , and make available on youtube?

Computer generated

If I ask you a question that you can answer with yes or no, then the possibility of a yes or a no exists before you think and say it.

The possibility of it existed as soon as language was created. It proves nothing in the context of our original discussion. But the intellectual acrobatics u have to go through to rebuttal what I say prove pretty clearly who's got the stronger arguments to support their view.

If you write a faked love letter, the letter transports the faked love. How it is interpreted by the one it is adressed to depends on her awareness of what's reality.

The language is what does the transporting. And if used well it will transport the same thing whether the letter is fake or real.

Do you think in sex you are more of a fast and furious kind of guy or more of a slow and calm?

I donno, what do you think?

By the way, it was very nice to listen to you live on Talk Smooth Jazz radio. Let us know when your name will be in red light letters on the front of Olympia with a mention "complet" next to it.


Are you going to pick up some of the questions and your answerts here and publish them in a collection of "Ruslan's thoughts"? It would be interesting to have them somewhere and compare in 10, 20 years to see at which level we all will be :-).

totally.. i wish this site had the function.. otherwise i have to go through 3000 questions.

Language: English