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If you were really hungry, really exhausted and really gross, what would you do first – eat, nap or shower?

itsmusawar’s Profile PhotoMusawar
Eat, shower then sleep

«Œil pour œil, dent pour dent » , êtes-vous en accord avec ce dicton ? ( "eye for an eye, and a teeth for a teeth", do you agree with this saying?)

Œil pour œil dent pour dent   êtesvous en accord avec ce dicton   eye for an eye
Liked by: Kit Josephine

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

itsmusawar’s Profile PhotoMusawar
Make my brothers successful in what they choose to do.
My mom have her dream job.
Make me a millionaire hehe

In the morning while I'm getting ready to go somewhere like work I listen to music cause it keeps me from laying back down and going back to sleep. What do you all do in the morning while getting ready to go somewhere?

BigLipRisha’s Profile PhotoRisha M.
When I get up, I pray and freshen up. Once I get up I can’t fall back to sleep which I like
Liked by: Risha M.


Language: English