@Saira019#95 🇵🇰


Ask @Saira019

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What to do when you are constantly feeling disconnected from everyone and everything? Still you have to live with it

princess567l’s Profile PhotoMiss multiverse
When you're feeling disconnected from everyone in this world, it's the perfect time to connect with Allah Almighty. Use it as an opportunity to get closer to Him and pour your heart out. InshAllah, everything will turn out to be in your favour soon!

We fellin love ayear ago then I got 2 know that he got married I think he got divorced few months later of his marriage he had a baby he edmitted recently & I'm totally feling terible what if he has wife & he is hiding, overall he is good person but everyone has a dark side Don't know how 2 deal

2 deal with this you need 2 work on your fellin 1.

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