
Sammie G

Ask @SamGirouard

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We were going to get married. How could you do this?

I have a feeling ur not loyal I don’t wanna put myself through that

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What’s the main thing you look for in a man ? If your a woman and what’s the main thing you look for in a woman if your a man ? …

bobbystar95270’s Profile PhotoHickey
Somebody with something in common with me. Pot head, caring, likes me too, open minded and nice

Would you ratherhave a personal maid or a personal chef? You can only pick one.

RedRover_’s Profile PhotoRover
Personal maid. I should be eating salad everyday so I don’t really need a chef
Liked by: Rover

Ladies, have you ever dated a LAZY BUM? How did it go?

I moved to Texas with my cats and was struggling financially because I took on two jobs at once which wasn’t working so I had to choose one job over the other and I’m bad at decision making so anyways I was struggling with work just settling into Texas and this guy asks me to buy us weed and wraps everyday which is fine but he’s my only plug so every time I want to smoke weed I have to smoke with him so I’m just struggling to stay high and he’s just constantly never providing helping out. To this day he asks me for money I blocked him.

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Once upon a time a young women was deemed crazy by the people who perceived her only to find out she wasn’t actually crazy she was just a mad scientist. You see, Genius always comes with madness. So people saw her mad and assumed she was losing her mind but her mind was actually overwhelmed by information so she freaked out a lot. She tried to warn the people she tried to figure out the right way but she was going in circles trying to answer her questions. She had no idea what to do. So she prayed, and she prayed, and she prayed, and she prayed to god for something to happen. For a sign. Anything. After she was done praying she started looking around and her prayers had been answered in a couple different ways. God answered her prayers. There she was, a mad scientist, with the whole world deeming her crazy, prayers answered by god.

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"لن أنسى انهيارى وبُكائى منذ ثلاثة أشهر ، يوم أن جعلنى شخصاً أشعر أننى لا أصلح لشىء ، بكيت كثيراً ، انهرت ولم يشعر أحد بي ، بحثت في هاتفي عن شخص أُخبره بحزني لم أجد .. كتبت له رسالةً طويلة أخبره أننى لا أستطيع وحدى أن أُنقذ نفسى ، لكنه لم يجب .. 💔

"I will not forget my collapse and crying three months ago, the day someone made me feel that I am not fit for anything, I cried a lot, I collapsed and no one felt me, I searched in my phone for someone to tell him of my sadness I did not find .. I wrote him a long letter telling him that I alone can not save Myself, but he should not.. 💔
That’s deep 😳 and very relatable

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كل الأسئلة صارت تيجي بالانجليزي بتعرفوا ليش ؟

All the questions are coming in English, do you know why?
Maybe majority of the people on this app are from the United States

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If you can ban a holiday what would it be?

My first thought was Groundhog Day but I think it’s really cute that we put a groundhog on a pedestal one day a year lol So I choose Valentine’s Day because Valentine’s Day makes people in toxic relationships feel really sad and cry single people upset and couples have a freaking anniversary so we don’t need that holiday


Language: English