
Sarah hemmings

Ask @Sarahlauren2610

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Sarah wouldn't cheat on Alex. Fuck off everyone saying it. Shouldn't listen to ganks over anonymous anyway. Sarah, don't let them influence Alex or anyone else into believing that stupid crap. Makes me so angry OMG

thankyou !!
Liked by: Jess Gillespie

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HEAD UP BABE! we (meaning true friends) know the truth and that you'd never do that 💗💗💗

thanks mads 💖💖

What does your parents think of alex? like with the tats and stuff.

what's it matter that he has tats ? they like him cause he treats me good.

Thoughts <3

so good at gym :O best body ever please share, heaps nice girl, so pretty, should talk more, love ya xx

The one in the blue bikini is fat and has no ass but you layla and faithe have abbs and a big ass

Piss off ash has the best body ever !!


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