
Scarlet Otaku

Thoughts on cloppers?

It's the same with my thoughts on furries. Animals fuck. Humans fuck. Not much a difference when ya look at it. As long as it doesn't branch out to the point where someone gets hurt, I don't care what your fetish is.

Latest answers from Scarlet Otaku

Thoughts on SOC and BOP

SOC needs work... BADLY. Teamwork is a big factor in any kind of youtube group channel, just a fucking no duh. That's just going off the one commentary I've seen from you. No offense, but you guys are far too sub par in quality and debate that it is just hard to sit through any other work you guys have.
As for BOP... seriously dude? I'm IN BOP... I think it's clear as to what my stance is on it.

Have you ever accidentally been caught naked by someone?

If I said no, then would that mean that I've been intentionally caught naked by someone?

Where did you get the cannon? :3

RoxasLucario94’s Profile PhotoDan Roxas
Well, way back when I was a young otaku, my Dad just came home from Christmas and brought this huge thing wrapped in star patterned wrapping paper. After everyone else had gone to sleep, I snuck downstairs to where the tree was. Santy Claws came in from the chimney with a whole stack of boxes, which were full of many things that go "boom!" As soon as Santer left, I opened all the boxes, unwrapped the big thing in star patterned wrapping and there was my cannon. Once I got used to carrying it, I loaded it up with the weapons Mr.Claws left me and blew up Manhattan. Great Christmas, but I ended up on Santy's naughty list. No regrets.

Language: English