

Ask @Shilshilaaaa

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Apa pendapat lo tentang cewe yang perkokok aktif?

Pendapat gue tentang cewe ngerokok sama kaya cowok ngerokok it's fucking okay, it dont have any relation between gender and cigarette actually. yg perlu gue underline, judging people by their addiction with cigarette is wrong. that's the same thing with judging a woman wearing some make up.gue ga ngerokok, tp tmntmn gue byk yg ngerokok, cewe jg ada. and they know right kalo ngerokok not good for health. org yg addict rokok itu like a baby whose teeth just grow, rasanya gatel kalo ga gigit. byk jg yg ngerokok krn stres, semakin stress dari orang punya kesibukan, maka banyak orang netepin what they thought was ideal. people have their own reason why they smoke. as long as they can behave. wht i mean is, as long as they dont bothering you.so ya, penting juga buat para perokok cewe nanya sama org sekitar, apalagi yg baru kenal. if it's allowed to smoke around them or nah. selama mereka bisa bangun personal branding as a classy smoker, why not?

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Pandanganmu tentang orang yang udah ga virgin gmn?

Gue ga pernah underestimating cewe yg udah ga V. i mean like proudly showing it off "hey you bitches... i am a virgin". nope. never! mereka yg udah ga V udah tau lah goods and bads nya. dan paling ga suka sama org skg yg demen ngejudge "udah ga perawan pasti pecun". oh u guys so 2000late. mungkin gapernah denger term "physically a virgin, mentally a whore" ya? gue nemuin banyak bgt yang kaya gtu disekitar gue. iya, mereka (cewe) still v, tapi tingkah lakunya worst than a whore. whatta shame! nowadays sifat munafik lebih dihargai daripada sesuatu yang original & apa adanya. where BEING a VIRGIN make u a SAINT & HAVING SEX make u a WHORE/SLUT (padahal kebalikannya, virgin ga bikin lo jd malaikat atau having sex ga selalu bikin lo jd pelacur). orang rajin doa tapi kerjaannya suka pamer, suka fitnah juga ga lebih baik dari cewek ga virgin tapi humble dan suka bantuin orang lain.
tp kalo bisa si dont easily give ur cookies to those sons of the bitch hehe

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Tanda tanda cowo suka sm cewe apa aja sih kak?

common signs:
• selalu aware dgn keberadaanmu
• selalu ngegreet kalo ketemu/looking for ur attention
• sering ngechat duluan,try to find topics to keep talking with you
• always curious and cares everything bout you
• dia mulai sering ngajak main bareng.then
ask you for a date
well, it's only common signs si bukan tanda pasti, cause it all depends on the boy's personality.
tapi, seperti apapun cowoknya, if he really likes you, he will find a way to show you his feelings. :)

Language: English