

Are there any images or quotes you have found you couldn't find the words to say yourself that says it all?

"life is a game" nobody gets it, most take it too literally
it's complicated

Latest answers from SimonGhoul

What worries you the most?

I dunno, I can't- everything is so wrong and messed and why should I even care about anything that could worry me now?

What do you love the most? Please answer

no I don't want to answer, why do you "please answer?" me? how about you fuck off cunt and fucking die
fucking fuck you and everybody who makes triggering or stupid questions

Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?

Tachibana Cookiemonster, bullying, my dad being an asshole and his lessons, and youtubers

Do you ever wonder what people really want from you?

yeah, often, and it's clearly, every single one of them just wants to be heard, or want support, or want to have some fun.
If I said something mean they would leave or consider leaving in a snap, true friends wouldn't do that, they stick there and forgive you. I probably don't have any friends

If you were a super hero what powers would you have?

Would have the power to control my own emotions and not completely but kind of read everybody's minds
I sometimes wish I was a character, that way I could do anything but no, I must have feelings, I must have morale, I must have symphaty, and I must let them restrict me. I want feelings and all but at the same time, I am tired

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

mine dreams obviously

Language: English