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This isn't about Miley.
Just I want say something to you guys!
Every person have problems but sometimes this persons can't withstand and cut herself/himself because she think hate and problems are here for him/her. But you guys are should know, someone or something isn't worth it. I've problems too, yea someone hate me too but I still don't care, I still alieve! I don't want to die because I'm young. yeaa maybe I'm not beautiful girl ever but no I'm ugly girl ever too and you too, you're not ugly too.
And problems...
I don't have "date" problems, I don't care boys because they're shit.. So I've family craps, I just told that Miley, and others are don't know! But I'm smiling know because I know, that's better.
Just make your choice, stay behind it, take responsibility for it and SMILE!
Don't be afraid of making mistakes because all of life consists of mistakes.
Don't be afraid of making bad choice because it's your life, it's your choice.
Lots of love,GG.
(P.S: Everyone can change, don't JUDGE and don't HATE! OUR lifes, OUR choice, shut up!!!!!!!!!)

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Right picture, right time!
Now guys, I think you don't know who's Miley Ray Cyrus because you hate her, be impartial and look at her. You think just she's bitch but please be impartial! She've pain, she've regret, she got everything that you feel! She's not bitch or whore, just you DON'T see anything. Everyone say "she's bitch, ugly and whore" and you couldn't be different like them because it's easy way! Be yourself and ask yourself, YOU THINK she's really bitch,ugly and whore, if you still hate her I don't say anything because it's your choose but be respectful and just say "I don't like her" ! Don't say she's bitch,ugly and whore because she ISN'T...
And someone don't like/love (actually this is hate!) and look at Miley's twitter and you see "I love my all bitches" and you said to me "She don't love you, she called you bitch hah" but lol you don't see that, everytime Miley say that, she's not cold, she think we're her family too. And why is it so-to-head wearing her "every" word? SHE'S 21.
"It’s her mouth she can say what she want to"
Look at you and be respectful, that's all!
Lots of love, GG.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=My2FRPA3Gf8SupportingToMC’s Video 63820374233 My2FRPA3Gf8SupportingToMC’s Video 63820374233 My2FRPA3Gf8
#WreckingTheRecord !!!
                                                And MC ! You're the best ! You're naked and it was P-E-R-F-E-C-T !!!!!! WE LOVE YOU BITTCHH !!!!!!!!!

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