

Ask @TaylorMunley

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Just reminded you. I just can't stand it when ass holes start this shit about the nudes and shit

same! it's ridiculous

Ya know what people, just leave her alone. People can still care about each other even if they broke up. Every time someone breaks up the nude picture rumors start flying like bird shit in the air. I've seen Alex defend her on here so why would he start such a vicious rumor? You're trouble makers.

exactly! youre so right, like alex and i are actually on good terms and people on here are trying to screw that up by spreading rumors that are NOT true. but thank you!

I was jw lol I'm glad he's good cause he's finee

hahaha does someone have a crush on my little logan ?(;

Don't go because I saw Alex is going with his girlfriend

why the fuck would that stop me from
going hahahahahahaha

when I used to hangout with John and Kyle everyone used to tell me the same things about how I use them too

its complete bullshit(': like why would i hangout & talk to them so much if im only using them? its so ridiculous, anons always looking to start problems haha
Liked by: me|ya

That's a lie. You're only friends with them when your not dating Alex.

the only lies here are what youre saying because i was friends with both of them when i was AND wasnt dating alex, so fuck you goodbye.

You use John and Ritko because your not with Alex. It's so obvious.

actually, youre so wrong. someone's already said something to me like this before & ill give the same answer as last time. i knew kyle for well over a year before alex and i were even good friends, so how am i using him when i was friends w him first? & how am i using john when we became friends when i was still w alex the first time? stop trying to start shit kyle, john, & i because theyre my best fucking friends & im not fucking using them.

You care about Alex but act like a bitch to him so no one knows. I know what your doing Taylor. You don't have anyone fooled.

yeah i do care about him, he's still my friend & i care about all of my friends? you sound so stupid rn it's not even funny

It should matter to you because he talks mad shit on you. All the time

one problem with that statement tho.. i dont care lolol


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