

Ask @TaylorMunley

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you and Alex have a perfect relationship, i wish i did too

thank you so much! & dont sweat it, youll find the right one i promise (:

Post a paragraph on your relationship with Alex but with full detail!! I want to know how to ended and how it started again lol

sorry i just saw this now hahah & oh jeeze okay, this is gonna be really long im sure.. but anyway, alex & i were always kinda friends i guess, we just didnt really talk until eighth grade. we had math together & immediately on the first day of school, we didnt stop talking & became really good friends. for several months, i considered him my bestfriend & i told him everything & we were always there for eachother & ranted to eachother in math about girls, guys, shoes, everything. but in the very beginning of febuary, i realized i really liked him & i told him & he told me he liked me too. we were "talking" for a month then he asked me out in kohls after we went to the movies one night. our relationship was great, we did kinda fight alot but wed get over it in five mins & laugh about it in math the next day, literally. we hungout almost every single day after school & on weekends & we honestly had the relationship that everyone wanted. but after we dated for about two & a half months, we broke up. i was never so upset in my life, i cried into ryleah & allys shoulders for the whole entire night after it happened.. i never loved someone as much as i loved him. & obviously i still liked him long after we broke up. then about two weeks ago, we started "talking" again but i screwed up and was all over my other ex one night, he found out & we just didnt stop fighting so we werent really talking anymore at that point, only as friends we were. & then on monday night before we left for washington, i couldnt hold it in anymore & i told him i was still in love with him because thats the truth. eventually on tuesday afternoon in washington, he asked me out when we were walking by a lake. we were side by side our whole washington trip & i honestly couldnt be any happier. i can finally call him mine again & that makes me extremely happy & i hope we last even longer than we did last time, i really do. he means the world to me.

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I feel bad. you and Alex go through so much. people on Ask try meshing with your relationship. I really hope you go out for a long time because you guys deserve to be happy with eachother

thank you so much !❤️

if you were able to would you & alex sleep in the same room? like together in the same bed?

well yeah but it's not like anything would happen

Alex gets so picked on about you on Ask and you do nothing about it... some girlfriend you are!

i stick up for him all of the time actually (': go down on his ask or mine & youll see that i have numerous times because the last thing i want is for him to get shit on because of me.

I really think your stupid for taking Alex back because you'll get hurt again. Just my opinion though

ive been getting that a lot but honestly, im done caring about what others think. i know we broke up once, but that doesnt mean itll happen again. we've been thru so much together its not even funny, & i honestly think the "break" we had made us come back even stronger. i mean this when i say it, i love him. & im willing to fight for him & give it my all. & if i end up hurt again, than there's no one to blame but myself because i didnt listen when people warned me but its worth the risk in my opinion.
Liked by: Rossalynn Collura

legit? thats cute!

no i wish ): haha log & alex arent in my room, i was just kitten (: i sleep with kylie but were allowed to have our own time in eachothers rooms so alex comes over to mine and we cuddle (:


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