

Ask @TaylorMunley

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How's Alex, Kyle, and every other guy you're talking to?

actually asshole, im not "talking" to anyone if thats what you mean. theyre my friends, nothing more.
Liked by: Logan

You're letting them make fun of him.

IM NOT LETTING ANYONE DO ANYTHING. i told peter to stop if you didnt see the comments on that insta post, AND i texted alex about it last night because i didnt know if he was okay or not. im sick of this already, i really am.
Liked by: Logan

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Your little freshman friends are doing it because of you.

actually it's summer so technically they're sophomores rn, just thought id point that out (: & theyre not doing it because of me, stop trying to blame me for everything & get me involved in shit i have no part in.
Liked by: Logan

How's it making you feel knowing that people are making fun of Alex because of you ?

because of me ..? i never once told anyone to make fun of him AND im sticking up for him when people are saying stuff. so dont accuse me of shit
Liked by: Logan

No problem, I'm sick of this shit it's been so long since you broke up. Everyone was just too jealous of your relationship and is trying to hurt you. I know it's hard to not get to you, but try. I'm here for you.

i know i agree. & thank you, i really needed that. text / message me & lemme know who this is (:
Liked by: Logan

Stop pushing and shoving Taylor, you don't know her feelings. You all probably haven't even been in a relationship as long as 2 days to know how hard it is. You don't know her actual feelings, not towards Alex. You never know her breaking point. You never know what she will do to herself, so stop.

thank you so so much! it really means a lot ):
Liked by: Logan

Oh Taylor don't even pretend that your breakup with Alex bothers you because it doesn't. You're acting like it does for attention, you don't miss him. You probably wanted him gone all along and your mad because he found someone else .

okay first of all asshole, who are you to tell me about me and MY feelings? may i ask what i did for attention? & i dont miss him?! really? actually, i do. i tried to play it off like i dont care that were not together anymore but i do care, i care alot. i miss how we used to fight then get over it five mins later and act like nothing happened, i miss how we used to go to the movies all the time and not even watch it, just sit there and annoy eachother. i miss our dunkin dates, all our nights we spent at logans, all our laughs & our cries together, all the times we'd take embarrassing pictures of eachother, every time we'd wrestle and id say i beat him when in all reality i didn't, all our late night phone calls that lasted hours, everything. i miss it all. so who the fuck are you to tell me who i do and dont miss? & what in your right mind makes you think that im glad he's gone? there hasnt been a day sense we broke up that i havent cried because of it. so no, im not glad that hes gone & im not mad that he found someone else, im glad that he's happy. i didnt mean to turn this into a rant but what you said really got to me, so you can leave now.. thanks.

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Liked by: Logan

everyone leave Taylor alone about Alex already. it's obviously bothering her and she's hurt as it is. don't add to that

thank youuuu
Liked by: Logan

Did you have a threesome with Alex too? You Ritko and Alex in the woods I heard

alex & kyle cant even look eachother in the eye, what makes you think theyd be in the woods together? lol yup that totally happened
Liked by: Logan

Whatever. Go have sex with Kyle Rotko in the woods again you slore

first off, it's ritko* second, that never happened. third, youre seriously gonna bring kyle into this now? he can care as less about the situation as i can. & fourth, call me whatever the fuck you want, but atleast have the decency to take yourself off anon & say it to my face. you people are pathetic
Liked by: Logan

Hunny you get yourself involved

actually "hunny" , YOURE the one who wrote on MY ask trying to get me involved in someone i have absolutely no part in. i dont even know all of whats going on. leave me the fuck alone
Liked by: Logan

You still like him and your proably happy to see he's not with any girls now LOL just wait he's gunna be dating Gills soon

i like someone else actually, & i want nothing but for him to be happy, so fuck off. stop getting me involved in shit i have NO part in.
Liked by: Logan

Ik someone's wish haha and my wish keeps coming true I'll tell ya what I'm talking about❤️

okay text me it babes ❤️
Liked by: Logan

Tay we aren't like fighting

i know (': i can care less about what's going on because it doesnt even involve me haha
Liked by: Logan

Check the statuses on Facebook too I think there's gunna be a fight

not to sound rude or anything but im honestly laughing at the fact that you think i care hahah. im not even involved so it doesnt concern me, thanks for the info tho
Liked by: Logan

Did you see the fights on Ask? Are they really fighting?

i saw some of the stuff & i dont know nor do i really care, youre asking the wrong person
Liked by: Logan


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