

Ask @TaylorMunley

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He's more mad at u though...

well then good for him, let him be mad. if he had as much feelings for me as he claimed he did, then he never would've hurt me as much he did. it's one thing if you don't realize that your doing it, but he did. he was aware of how hurt i was getting by him & still had the nerve to continue doing things to me. if he wants to be mad, then let him he mad. but if anything, the only mad one here should be me, because of how much pain he caused and how much i was hurt emotionally.

He is still pissed at Kyle for dating u....

well then let him be mad, idk what to tell you. if he " cared " about me as much as he said he did, then he would've been happy for me when i found someone that treated me right, & still does.

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So u pretty much cheated on Mike with Kyle???

absolutely not. me & michael were going through a rough time with our relationship & it just wasn't working out. he knew it, i knew it, everyone knew it.. things just weren't the same anymore. i was crying myself to sleep almost every night because of it, & the relationship just caused me so much pain. but when i met kyle, he just made me feel a lot better about myself. he always was making sure i was okay because he knew what i was going through, & he constantly told me to smile, he hated when i put sad faces in any of my texts. i never cheated on Michael, i really didn't. kyle just came along during a rough time in my life & made me so much happier, so I broke up with Michael & a month later started dating Kyle.

Tell me the full story bc I hear that u guys started dating before u even met eachother....

what? okay well I'll tell you exactly what happened but that's definitely not true. this year on ubaldo which was in may, i went to the carnival . at the carnival, me&brit were talking to jakub & he liked her so they were talking, & me and kyle were standing behind them so we started talking too. after a little while he randomly started pushing me into people because that's his way of " flirting " , as he says(; anyways, we pretty much just started abusing eachother which is something we still do to this day, lmao. then the boys started pushing us into puddles Kyle & Jakub were picking me up and jakub dropped me on my ankle and i was convinced that it was broken, hahahahahaha i hope he reads this so he knows how much that hurt(; & yeahh .. so we went to the carnival again the next day & it was pretty much a repeat of what had happened the night before, then the next day people started coming up to me and telling me kyle liked me but i didn't believe it, so we started talking on Facebook about it & then eventually started texting non stop for a while. since day 1, i knew i could talk to him about anything and he was always there for me. but the only downside to all of this was while me & kyle were " talking " , i was in a relationship but kyle treated me better than my own boyfriend at the time did. so about two or three weeks later, me & Michael broke up, & me and Kyle got even more closer than we already were, and then me , him , Brit , Jakub , & nick all went to the movies . soo at the movies me and Kyle pretty much talked the whole time & eventually we started holding hands but Brit caught us so we stopped ( I hope she reads this too because she'll remember this (; ) && then a month after we had met and hung out several times, kyle was on his way to canada & that's when he asked me out. we met around 5 months ago & have been dating for 4, but i still remember each & every detail of the night we met like it was yesterday, & to this day, me and kyle still talk about it because that was the night the best thing that could've possibly happened to me walked into my life.. so yeah, there's the full story.

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Love uv ur l!fe ?

if your saying " love of your life " , then kyle. if your asking some thing else then i have no idea..


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