
Sweet Love

Latest answers from Sweet Love

Police:Where do you live? Me: With my parents. Police: Where do your parents live? Me: With Me. Police: Where do you all live? Me: Together. Police: Where is your house? Me: Next to my neighbors house. Police: Where is your neighbors house? Me: You won't believe me if I tell you. Police: Tell Me!



لوتدري البارح انا وش حصل لي؟
.فزيت من نومي ادور واناديك
واقفيت وقلبي تله الشوق تلي
والروح تنزعها معك في خطاويك


عندما كنت أغرق, أصبحت هوائي. في البرد, أصبحت دفئي. في الظلام, أصبحت نوري.

Language: English