

Ask @TheBachem

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What is the best way to deal with stress?

for me its making people laugh and doing crazy random things

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Would you ever get back with her? or do you think that someone better is out there?

I'm going gay now. That's the easiest solution

How are you dealing with getting over becca?

Sitting at home, watching tv, working, and then sleeping. Not easy

What things do you like about your country?

How's there's a minority of white people compared to the Latino community

Why are you always mean to belt?

OH GOD FINALLY SOMEONE ASKS. Because I'm always mean to the people I love most. I'm sure he knows I never mean it cuz he's an even bigger asshole to me XD

What went on to split you and her up? Are you liking someone now?

Welp I couldn't do all the crazy rules she had for me and she decided to break up with me. And its hard to like someone after a year, trust me

What’s the one book you think everyone should be required to read?

The novelization of Space Jam

What happened to you and your gf??

Idk I am too out there and random and narcissistic as shit to be with someone I think that's why she left

What to bitches want?

I assume you mean "do" but bitches want a youuuuuuunnnnngggggg nigga. And that "love and connection" bullshit

Would you rather shit your pants once everyday and get $20 at the end of the day or would you rather have a girl piss in your mouth 3 times a day for $100?

.....is the girl hot?

Why are you so attractive?(;

Stopeth ye bullshit before my ego gets even better. God made some of us better looking then others

You are attractive (:

WELL. That's just rubbish if you're gonna tell me a compliment. At least ask why I'm so attractive ;) but thanks.sexy

Are you the true Grinch? Of are you Charlie the unicorn who goes to candy mountain?

Idk if I'm the grinch. or a unicorn. All I know is gangsta rap made me do It


Language: English