

Latest answers from Thebleeding

Who's your favorite actor and what was his or her best role?

Will Ferral in either Anchorman or Step Brothers

What's a phrase you use often?

It doesn't have to make sense, as long as it makes sense. Does that make sense???

What is your one major weakness?

Talking to people. If I had things my way u would stay in my room 24/7 and not interact with anyone.

What is the purpose of life?

Guys-sex, get drunk a lot, sex, get a decent job, sex, support your family, sex sex sex sex and more sex
Girls- get married and settle down with a loving family and live a long, happy life and leave your mark on this world

What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

A giant Tyrannosaurus that breathes fire and can sprout wings to fly me places that also looks like a bad ass that will kill people in very painful ways so I can watch and laugh and does whatever I say and kills people and I already said that.

Language: English