Why the hell are y'all playing the anonymous crap quit being scared of you're question 😂😂😂😂 Kimberley Skelly February 09, 2022 I agree
Anyone else wanna just chat? Lilly Requez February 06, 2022 Hello there how are you Liked by: xmradios
What do men actually want for Valentines’s day? (Sex doesn't count) February 06, 2022 I want to have someone to spend the day with me just doing something fun
Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. February 02, 2022 Amen
Are there people who still care in the world? Qwana L January 28, 2022 They are still good people left
Do you go out a lot during the week? Camilo Medina January 28, 2022 If I had someone I could hangout with I do